MINOT -- Minot Parks is currently underway with a parks and trails masterplan. The Minot Park District is interested in identifying issues and opportunities within their current parks and trails system.
The Minot Park District is looking to the community for their feedback and to better understand their perspectives on the parks, trails, and open spaces within the Minot Park District as a part of their long term master planning effort.
Elly DesLauriers, Executive Director of the Minot Park District said, “Planning is huge component of the Minot Park District. Formulating these plans now allows us to budget for the future in the most efficient and fiscally responsible way possible for our community moving forward.”
The Minot Park District is asking their community to take part in planning for the future by completing a comprehensive planning survey online to help develop future plans for Minot Parks and the community they serve.
“Who better to ask then the community members who use our parks and trails on a daily basis?” says, DesLauriers. “We want to hear directly from our users what opportunities they see as we move forward as a Park District and a community.”
The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/minotparkdistrict or www.minotparks.com under the news sections.
For more information, please call the Minot Park District office at 857-4136.