Published April 29, 2023

If You Need Help With Insurance… 

Written by
Lydia Hoverson
| The Dakotan
Jacob Just, North Dakota Insurance Department’s communications director. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)
Jacob Just, North Dakota Insurance Department’s communications director. (Photo: Lydia Hoverson/The Dakotan)

Insurance Department  

BISMARCK – Insurance can be a complicated issue sometimes, but one department’s job is to assist people in it. 

The North Dakota Insurance Department was described by its Communications Director Jacob Just as an advocate for people with insurance. However, the primary role of the insurance department is regulating the insurance industry. 

“That’s the companies, the agents, the policies that everyone in the state has,” said Just. “Every insurance policy and benefit that North Dakotans have comes through this office in one way or another. So it’s not like companies are implementing whatever policies and benefits they want.” 

Just said the department reviews the policies and gives them its stamp of approval if the policy is deemed legitimate. 

The other side of the department is the consumer assistance side, as Just called it. 

“If any individual has a question about insurance, really any, we say we have no dumb questions, we invite them to reach out to us,” said Just. 

The department has a group of people that have experience in the insurance industry and can assist anyone having issues with their insurance company. 

“They know the ins and outs of it, so when folks, even myself because I don’t know everything about insurance, so if I call someone that works in an insurance company, they’ve got years of experience versus me who’s got no experience,” said Just. “So it’s nice to have someone with a little bit of experience who can kind of educate you and walk through things with you.” 

The department is located in the Capitol building and has over 35 staff members. Most of the employees are hands-on with the insurance side of things. The department is divided up into different divisions that handle different types of insurance. Most of the employees work in the Capitol. 

Jon Godfread is currently in the elected position of Insurance Commissioner. Just said Godfread, and others in the department have kept an eye on some bills that went through the legislature relating to insurance. 

“If folks have issues or questions with insurance then give us a call, shoot us an email,” said Just. “We’d love to take a stab at whatever issues people have. And there are no dumb questions.” 

More information on the insurance department can be found on its website

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