Published July 1, 2022

Junior Beef Expo

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The Dakotan
| The Dakotan
“The Junior Beef Expo was started to get more youth interested and involved in the beef industry,”
“The Junior Beef Expo was started to get more youth interested and involved in the beef industry,”

Youth compete at North Dakota Junior Beef Expo

The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association hosted 60 youth exhibitors and their families at the 27th annual North Dakota Junior Beef Expo June 24-25 at the North Dakota State Fairgrounds in Minot.

“The Junior Beef Expo was started to get more youth interested and involved in the beef industry,” said NDJBE Vice Chairman Jayd Novak. “I enjoyed watching the integrity and sportsmanship shine through the junior exhibitors as they competed throughout the weekend”.

The cattle show began Saturday morning. Fifty-four heifers, representing 12 different breeds and 15 market animals were exhibited, followed by the junior and senior showmanship competitions. Kourtney Schaff of St. Anthony, N.D., exhibited the supreme champion female, SAV Georgina, a March 9, 2021, daughter of Conley Express 7211, which was first the champion Angus female.

Madelyn Miller of Bismarck, N.D., exhibited the reserve champion female, JK Jude, an April 16, 2021, daughter of WEBR TC Card Shark 1015, which was first the champion Red Angus female. Brady Beitelspacher of Bowdle, S.D., exhibited the champion market animal, a steer weighing 1,298 pounds on show day. Graci Alford of Plaza, N.D., exhibited the reserve champion market animal, a steer weighing 1,271 pounds on show day.

Other heifer breed champions included the following:

Champion Chi Female: Jett Ouradnik of Amidon

Champion Commercial Female: Blaize Hanson of Des Lacs

Champion Hereford Female: Emily Merck of Granville

Champion Limousin Female: Elizabeth Hanson of Velva

Champion Maine Anjou Female: Sydnee Johnson of Zap

Champion Maintainer Female: Gage Edwards of Belfield

Champion Shorthorn Female: Cora Buchweitz of Munich

Champion Shorthorn Plus Female: Nevaeh Johnson of Zap

Champion SimInfluence Female: Megan Schaefer of Des Lacs

Champion Simmental Female: Drew Erickson of Plaza

In the showmanship competitions, Addison Neshem of Granville came out on top in the junior division, while Jamie Geyer of Lisbon, won the senior division. Reserve champion showmen were Jessa Spickler of Glenfield and Sydnee Johnson of Zap, in the junior and senior divisions, respectively. Tyler Melroe of Britton, S.D., judged the show.

Other NDJBE highlights included the Hardest Worker Award, which was presented to the Sys family of Douglas. Will Spickler of Glenfield, N.D., won another prestigious award, the NDSA Member Award.

The NDJBE Planning Committee is comprised of Jaime Friesz of New Salem and Colby Hennessy of Des Lacs, the show chairmen, and Trey Klain, Ruso, Jayd Novak, Minot, and Cord LaPlant, Binford, the show vice chairmen.

“The Junior Beef Expo is just one example of how the NDSA places emphasis on young beef leaders and works to encourage youth as they become the next generation of agriculturists,” said Hennessy. “It is an excellent place for youth to participate, learn about the livestock industry and have some fun.”

For more information about the Junior Beef Expo contact NDSA Special Projects Intern Jade Koski at (701) 223-2522 or

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