Published April 28, 2022

Annual “Doc Walk” Set for May 4

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

MINOT — May is Exercise is MedicineTM Month, a time to celebrate your ability to take hold of your health and improve for tomorrow. To underscore the importance of physical activity to one’s health, the American Medical Association and the American College of Sports Medicine created Exercise is MedicineTM, a global effort to recognize physical activity and its benefits. To honor this global effort on a local level, Trinity Health is inviting the public to walk with your Doc, May 4 at 6 p.m. at Oak Park.

Doc Walk 2021 - May 5, 2021 [Photo: submitted]

“Exercise helps in the prevention of coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke, depression, anxiety and several cancers, and is used in the treatment of many, many more diseases and ailments,” said Dawn Mattern, MD, medical director of Trinity Health Sports Medicine. “Exercise, it seems, is the miracle pill.”

Mattern says exercise is not defined by what workout you do, where you do the workout, what time in the marathon you get, or how sweaty your shirt was.  The aim is ACTIVITY-walking the dog, working in the garden, raking leaves, shoveling snow, riding a bike, stretching, dancing, Crossfit, weightlifting, running, playing games. “I recommend more: more often during the day, more than yesterday. Always strive to find more ways to move,” she added.

Current physical activity guidelines encourage 150 minutes of moderate activity a week for adults and 60 minutes daily for children.  Health benefits start within the first 15 minutes, so starting is the most beneficial. Activities should include both strengthening and aerobic activities. 

“My job was quiet during the pandemic due to no sports for quite a while.  Now is the time for me to be busy, encouraging physical activity with everyone I meet,” Mattern said.  “I look forward to our annual Doc Walk on May 4 at 6:00 pm at Oak Park.  Last year was special, a return together.  This year will be amazing, an opportunity to prevent, treat, and heal!”

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