Published March 2, 2022

Vision Zero Teams Up with Local Businesses

Written by
Jasahd Stewart
| The Dakotan
[Photo: Pixabay]
[Photo: Pixabay]

Click It for Coffee to encourage safe driving

MINOT — Vision Zero announced during the Ward County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, that it will be partnering with local businesses this year to reduce distractive driving.

Vision Zero is a North Dakota Department of Transportation strategy aimed at preventing fatalities and serious injuries caused by motor vehicle crashes. 

Regional Coordinator for Vision Zero Kyle Patterson, who works with counties in the northwest region of North Dakota, shared some statistics with the board, “In 2020 there were 100 fatalities on North Dakota roads. In 2021 there was 101, and this year, so far for 2022 from the State DOT website, there has been 10 fatalities on North Dakota roads.”

To help eliminate driving fatalities and serious injuries in North Dakota for 2021, Patterson said Vision Zero had teamed up with Dan Boyce, the owner of Broadway Bean and Bagel, for a “Click It for Coffee” event.

“If people were wearing their seat belts going through the drive through at Broadway Bean and Bagel, they received a dollar off of their entire order for that day that we did it on May 24th, plus they received a fifty-cent coupon to use through the month of June,” explained Patterson.

Vision Zero and Broadway Bean and Bagel say they plan to “get that rolling” again sometime in May of this year.

For more information on Vision Zero, or if you would like to partner with them, visit Vision Zero North Dakota.

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