Published February 21, 2022

Ward County Road, Bridge Repair Projects

Written by
Jasahd Stewart
| The Dakotan
Bridge made of timber needing to be replaced, one mile south of Sawyer. [Photo: submitted in Commission Documents]
Bridge made of timber needing to be replaced, one mile south of Sawyer. [Photo: submitted in Commission Documents]

Update on right-of-way dedication amendment 

MINOT — The Ward County Commissioners approved to bid out micro surfacing, chip seal, and bridge replacement projects estimated at $3 million. 

The micro surfacing, a process to eliminate rutting from roadways, would bring maintenance to the following roads County Road 9 between County Road 14 and Highway 2; County Road 10 between County Road 9 and County Road 9A located in Berthold; and County Road 9A from County Road 10 to Highway 2.   

The chip seal project would be on County Road 6 between US 52 and US 83. Paved in 2020, the road would receive crack and chip sealing treatment to prolong the lifespan of the road.  

Both projects are funded by gas tax and mill levies. Bid out will be decided by the commissioners sometime after March 8. The micro surfacing project is projected to cost $1.1 million, and the chip seal project at $800,000. 

$639,000 in federal funds were granted to Ward County for replacing a timber bridge on a township road, one mile south of Sawyer. The current bridge lacks proper guardrails, has numerous issues with rotting, and is in poor condition overall. A box culvert will be added to replace the bridge. 

“The timber above is not so bad, it’s the pilings…. This is definitely something you want to address,” said County Engineer Dana Larsen, estimating that the total cost would be around $760,000. Completion of the project is scheduled for 2023. 

As for amendments to the right-of-way issue in Ward County, State’s Attorney Rozanna Larsen presented new language to prevent the county from taking land without informing and compensating landowners with property along right-of-ways. 

Commissioners John Fjeldahl and John Pietsch expressed concerns that the new language did not make it clear enough that they did not want any right-of-way dedications given to the county, apart from just compensation.  

“It reads simple here, I just hope we are not missing the point of what we are trying to accomplish,” said Fjeldahl.  

A public hearing for the new amendment to the County’s Home Rule Charter regarding right-of-way dedications is scheduled for Tuesday, March 15.

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