Published January 20, 2022

Rep. Rick Becker Announces Retirement from the State Legislature

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan
Rep. Rick Becker, R-Dis. 7, Bismarck. [Photo: submitted]
Rep. Rick Becker, R-Dis. 7, Bismarck. [Photo: submitted]

BISMARCK — Representative Rick Becker, R-Dis. 7, Bismarck, announced his retirement from the state legislature at the conclusion of his current term in December. 

He has served in the North Dakota House since 2013.

Rep. Becker stated, “It has been an honor to serve the people of North Dakota.  I have done my utmost best to further the cause of liberty.  My conservative colleagues and I have proudly and confidently held true to the Republican party platform, not because it is Republican, but because it is the surest way to a maximally free and prosperous society.  Despite taking many slings and arrows, I am confident that my conservative colleagues will continue the hard work and service to the citizens of this state in their endeavor to help correct the current, long-standing course of big spending and corporatism.  I wish the very best to all of my legislative colleagues and to the people of North Dakota.  Thank you.”

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