Published January 20, 2022

Covering the Country

Written by
Kim Fundingsland
| The Dakotan
Rugby Manufacturing started small but has since grown to become the United States leader in the manufacture of dump truck bodies, truck platforms, and truck and trailer hoists. [Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan]
Rugby Manufacturing started small but has since grown to become the United States leader in the manufacture of dump truck bodies, truck platforms, and truck and trailer hoists. [Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan]

Rugby Manufacturing a U.S. Leader 

RUGBY — From the geographical center of North America to all regions of North America, Rugby Manufacturing is making its mark. In the process, proudly promoting their impressive line of products. 

The company that started small in 1969 has grown to, according to its website, “the country’s leading designer and manufacturer of Class 3-7 dump truck bodies, landscape bodies, platforms, and truck and trailer hoists.” 

“We’re the number one dump body brand in the country, pretty neat for a small town in rural North Dakota.”  Jeff Duchscher, Rugby Manufacturing general manager

“A lot of people don’t know how big we are,” remarked Jeff Duchscher, general manager. “We’re the number one dump body brand in the country, pretty neat for a small town in rural North Dakota.” 

Is it ever. Before products leave the plant, they have a Rugby label on them too. Truck boxes and associated products bearing the Rugby name can be found with increasing frequency throughout the United States and Canada. 

“They are the industry leader.” Laurie Odden, Rugby Chamber of Commerce and CVB executive director

“It’s just awesome. People don’t realize everything they do,” said Laurie Odden, Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Visitor’s Bureau executive director. “They are the industry leader.” 

Rugby Manufacturing runs two 10-hour shifts each day, five days a week. Currently they employ 105 people, from front office positions to production. Most of the employees come from within a 30-mile radius of the city.

“It’s good for the community, a good source of employment,” said Duchscher. “We’ve invested quite a bit into the building and equipment and continue to grow our brand.” 

Growth included a 45,000 square foot expansion in 2019, bringing total square footage of the manufacturing facility to 200,000 square feet. As might be expected, continued growth means more opportunities for employment.  

“We could employ another 40 or so if we can find them,” explained Duchscher. “Call our HR manager or send an email if you are looking for work. We’ll work with you.” 

Rugby Manufacturing has partnered with a distribution network that reaches all regions of North America. The Rugby brand is known for thoroughly testing their products, and for ensuring “superior fit and finish.” 

“We take pride in what we do, and we like to show off Rugby products,” concluded Duchscher.
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