Published November 8, 2021

Capitol Rally

Written by
Kim Fundingsland
| The Dakotan
Crowd gathered for We The People Rally on the State Capitol grounds in Bismarck. [The Dakotan]
Crowd gathered for We The People Rally on the State Capitol grounds in Bismarck. [The Dakotan]

Large turnout for rally on capitol grounds 

BISMARCK 1:21 P.M. -- A crowd estimated at 2,500 or more filled the lawn in front of the Capitol Building today. The “We The People” rally got underway at noon with an enthusiastic gathering celebrating the theme of the event – We will not Comply, a reaction primarily to vaccine mandates that have trickled down from the federal level. 

"I think the government is overstepping and especially with this [vaccine] mandate. I think it is causing immeasurable damage."Sheri Armbrust, Minot

The crowd, many carrying signs such as stop the mandates, or enough is enough, or American flags to express their patriotism, came from people of all walks of life. Some wore suits and ties. Others blue jeans and sweatshirts. They were young and old and every age in between, an incredibly diverse assembly on the grounds of the Capitol. 

"[I] just wanted to be able to stand out here and be just another one of the number of how ever many people end up showing up, here for standing up for what we believe in."Kash Lee, Beach

Patriotic music filled the air, followed by passionate speeches from several community leaders who voiced their opposition to what they believe to be government overreach, mandates that require everyone to concede to have a vaccine injected into their bodies. The message from each speaker was clear, whether or not to vaccinate against COVID-19 is a personal decision that the government should respect.

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