Published October 24, 2021

The Dakotan - We Bring You the Truth

Written by
Jonathan Starr
| The Dakotan
In the opinion of Jonathan Starr
In the opinion of Jonathan Starr

In a world filled with news organizations, why would we need one more? Because the news that you are receiving every day is polarized. News organizations used to pride themselves on bringing you the truth, which included researching both sides of an issue. But the obvious polarization of even our largest, and once dependable, news organizations has left us with a quagmire of one-sided news. These organizations have found it acceptable to ignore conflicting views and seldom reach out to both sides of an issue knowing that their efforts would provide them with an accurate accounting of an event or story.

Out of this quagmire of one-sided news reporting has come a new voice, The Dakotan. Our news organization will be different. Our news will be accurate, well researched and most important present both sides of a story. Sure, we will admit that we have an uphill battle in launching a news organization in this seemingly broken media world, but it has to be done! News organizations have held our elected officials accountable for their actions since the founding of our republic, and that is not the case anymore. What changed? It’s pretty simple. Journalism turned from a landscape of accurate presentation of the news to sensationalism. News organizations and reporters tossed aside basic journalistic protocol to provide us with “the big story” and “breaking news.”  This type of mentality has fostered our present news landscape that has most of us questioning the accuracy of the news we are fed through traditional and now also social media channels.

As we take the wraps off The Dakotan, we stand on our promise to give you the whole story. We promise to cover government, right down to the city and community level. We promise to maintain a high level of journalistic accuracy, the way it used to be. And finally, we promise to listen to you, the patriots, who will welcome The Dakotan as a new breath of fresh air, a new voice of democracy.

Why now? Because quite frankly, it had to be done. We can no longer sit on the sidelines and let today’s biased media feed us what they want. Media not doing their job can no longer be a coffee table discussion. We all need to roll up our sleeves and get the job done. Turn off traditional media and join together as patriots. And yes, going back to the way it used to be!

The Dakotan has set a high bar for accurate journalism. One that we will not lower. Our team of writers will continue to expand. Our stories will be trusted news because we know you want the truth. Welcome to The Dakotan - We bring you the truth!

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