Spring Fever Baseball with Neil Roberts: Taylor Rogers

Nicole DesRosier
 April 7, 2022

The Dakotan:
And now it's time for Spring Fever with the Twins with Neil Roberts from Fort Myers, Florida.

Neil Roberts:
He was an 11th round pick for the Twins out of University of Kentucky back in 2012. And what a pick it was Taylor Rogers joins us and Tayler it's been a crazy last few seasons a pandemic a lockout being used to close set up. I'm guessing it can be a lot to cope with.

Taylor Rogers:
Yeah I guess trying to just get used to chaos really and get used to not knowing what's going on. That's the best way to go about it if you get lost in all those aspects I think you could lose it mentally a little bit so just try to embrace the chaos.

Neil Roberts:
Yeah as you embrace that has to be again anything could happen. It's still chaotic, but it seems like now with a lockout settled, seemingly we're down here talking to guys face to face again that hopefully can be focused more on baseball.

Taylor Rogers:
That's obviously priority one, especially with the short camp. We want to focus on baseball and heard the term normal thrown out there a few times. I should remember what normal is so we can hopefully just create a new normal.

Neil Roberts:
All right. Good stuff. And hey, we'll talk 2022 when we come back.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to Spring Fever Baseball on the Minnesota Twins with New Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:
With Twins reliever Taylor Rogers and Taylor, I know you're a first team guy. You had nine saves last year. Rockwell likes to use you and other pitchers in different spots. I know. How are you adjusting to that and how do you like that role?

Taylor Rogers:
You know, we're used to it. It's been that way. Probably since 19ish. And I think that's a testament to the guys that we've brought in. We've had a lot of good relievers back there, and I think they see it as interchangeable. I think if you ask any reliever on the planet, they want to be the closer. And when you're in the bullpen, you going when the phone rings.

Neil Roberts:
I interviewed you I don't know way back when, when you were a rookie and coming up and stuff and you were a starter back then and really wanted to start and back then was kind of like that, right? You want to really start, start because that's what you're used to and you embrace the bullpen. And I guess looking back, I think sometimes things happen for a reason. Right?

Taylor Rogers:
That's right. Yeah. And that's why I keep using that word embrace. You know, just control what you can control and hopefully things will work out for you.

Neil Roberts:
Out for you in the Rogers everybody. That concludes this edition until next time. I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local news.

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