Spring Fever Baseball with Neil Roberts: Seth Stohs Part 1

Nicole DesRosier
 April 6, 2022

The Dakotan:
And now it's time for Spring Fever with the Twins with Neil Roberts from Fort Myers, Florida.

Neil Roberts:
He's the author of The Twins Prospect Handbook and writer for Twins Daily Seth Stohs. And, Seth, of course, you're the Twins minor league expert. And hey, the Twins got some pretty good minor leaguers in some deals last year. Let's start with the real steal Austin Martin, a guy with a lot of Top End capability.

Seth Stohs:
Yeah, a lot of people saw him as the best talent available in the 2020 draft. So when the Bluejays got him at five, they got a good player, infielder, outfielder can kind of play everywhere, great on base skills, developing some power. He got a chance to be really good. They also added one of two guys they got from the U.S. Olympic team, Simeon Woods Richardson, who was just 21 years old and pitched at Double-A last year after the Olympics.

Neil Roberts:
All right. Hey, we'll talk about the Cruz deal when we come back.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to Spring Fever Baseball on the Minnesota Twins with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:
Of course, the Twins made several trades right around the deadline last year. Another big one, Nelson Cruz going to Tampa Bay. Joe Ryan, one of the pitchers we got back in that one, Seth and of course he went on, had some good success in the Olympics and he looks really promising.

Seth Stohs:
Yeah, he's got a chance to be really good. They are two good, hard throwing pitches from the Rays in exchange for two months of a 41 year old. The so Joe Ryan after the Olympics where he went to and all for team USA pitched just dominantly at Saint Paul and triple-A and then came up and did a nice job in the big leagues in his debut.

Seth Stohs:
But they also had a just drop in another hard throw and right hander from that Rays team on the 40 man roster hits 88 98 99 miles an hour has a chance to be really good too.

Neil Roberts:
Good stuff as always Seth Stohs everybody. Seth thanks again for joining us and that will bring this report to a close until next time I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to the Dakota Network. Real, Honest, Local news.

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