Spring Fever Baseball with Neil Roberts: Gary Cederstrom Part 2

Nicole DesRosier
 April 21, 2022

The Dakotan:

And now it's time for Spring Fever with the Twins with Neil Roberts from Fort Myers, Florida.

Neil Roberts:

He worked ten years in the American League and 20 years in both as an umpire Retired 30 years later. Gary Cederstrom from West Central North Dakota joins us again. And Gary, let's talk Minnesota Twins baseball for a second. Obviously, umpires are known for getting some barbs over the years with players and managers. Tell us about the biggest rhubarb you got in with someone from the Minnesota Twins.

Gary Cederstrom:

Oh, biggest rhubarb. I don't know if it was the biggest because when I came up, Tom Kelley was managing the party and what was a monitor. And those guys weren't real big on making a show or complaining and whining. You know, they took care of their players and they didn't do that. Like, I remember we were in Seattle and Gordie, he comes out, I think it was Torii Hunter.

Gary Cederstrom:

I called him out on strikes and he comes out and he says, Gary pitches outside. I go how in the heck can you tell me that pitch is outside in the dugout? He says, Well, I was in the clubhouse. I was watching the game on TV video inside and those pictures are outside. I said, What did you say?

Gary Cederstrom:

I was watching the game and watching it on video in the clubhouse and those pitches are outside. I said, Well, guess what? You don't have to stay outside. Watch him anymore. Now you can go back in the clubhouse and watch the rest of the game, and I get the you have a little test. But that was that was no big deal.

Gary Cederstrom:

Yeah. All right.

Neil Roberts:

Well, hey, we'll talk to its players when we come back.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to Spring Fever Baseball on the Minnesota Twins with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:

We're a former Major League umpire, Gary Cederstrom And Gary, over your 30 years. Was there any Minnesota Twins player that got into a big rhubarb with, you know.

Gary Cederstrom:

Pretty good people? They weren't there to complain. They're there to play.

Neil Roberts:

Gary Cederstrom joining us again. And that will conclude this edition until next time. I'm Neal Roberts.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local News.

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