Spring Fever Baseball with Neil Roberts: Byron Buxton Part 2

Nicole DesRosier
 April 7, 2022

The Dakotan:
And now it's time for Spring Fever with the Twins with Neil Roberts from Fort Myers, Florida.

Neil Roberts:
For my money, he's the best center fielder defensively in all of baseball. Byron Buxton joins us. And Byron, let's talk defense for a minute. You've had, by and large, throughout your career. Kepler a lot over in right field and a mixed bag over in left field with a lot of guys who can play a lot of positions on this team. What's it like going into the season in spring training with some of those variables?

Byron Buxton:
It's fine. A lot of guys can play a lot of different ways. And just having the utility or having an all around roundness for your squad is huge. You know, you have a guy that to might not start. But no matter what position you throw out there, he can play that, you know, and that takes the pressure off of you just having to have that, oh, I'm only an infielder or I'm only an outfielder, you know, like me, I'm only an outfielder.

You won't ever catch me playing the dirty ball coming too fast, you know, like that's just me. That's a outfielders mentality. And you have guys that a lot more guys now that don't really care about. Oh, I'm just in the outfield.

Neil Roberts:
All right. One more question for Byron when we come back.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to Spring Fever Baseball on the Minnesota Twins with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:
Center fielder Byron Buxton, Environmental staying healthy. He's been a bit of an issue and some of it just dumb luck stuff. Other things make it learning over the years. As far as how do you turn that switch a bit? I guess I've told some of my friends that talk about that's it. It's one thing for a guy that runs like a four year, seven 40 to hits a centerfield wall, full blast.

Neil Roberts:
But when Byron does it he's like maybe an under 43. It's a different kind of impact. And how do you measure that stuff?

Byron Buxton:
It's been a lot smarter obviously the last couple of years. It hasn't been me run into the wall. It's been more of those once a fluke, but it is what it is. I got hurt, you know. So I went on the field in my eyes and want to let down. But it was a letdown, you know. So for me, as I always say, I want to be healthy.

Put that to the side, you know, like go out, play hard, play smart and do what you got to do to help your team win on the field. It's hard to do that when you don't play mentally. It's just come out here, be aggressive, be smart, and kind of don't change. You know, last year kind of got a little bit better at the wall, still working on it, but just having kept Carol off Road Gordon, whoever it is and laugh, you know, it's communicating a little bit better, helps out a lot too.

Neil Roberts:
I think I speak for old Twins fans through 2028 and hopefully you finish your career as Minnesota twin. Thanks for your time, Byron. Really appreciate you.

Byron Buxton:
Thank you.

Neil Roberts:
All right. Byron Buxton everybody that concludes this one the next time I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local news.

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