Spring Fever Baseball with Neil Roberts: Bailey Ober

Nicole DesRosier
 April 5, 2022

The Dakotan: And now it's time for Spring Fever with the Twins with Neil Roberts from Fort Myers, Florida.

Neil Roberts: He had an impressive rookie campaign for the Twins going three and three with a 4.19 era in 20 starts. Bailey Ober joins us. And Bailey, you looked really comfortable last year versus Major League batting from the get go. Did you feel that way?

Bailey Ober: Yeah, I felt good. Down the days. Same game. Just trying to go out there and execute stuff and get on the same game, plan with your catcher and go to work.

Neil Roberts: And what was the key for you? I don't usually get on the same game plan, but is it getting ahead of hitters or what else led to that success?

Bailey Ober: Yeah, just filling the zone up and locating once the nerves settle down after a couple starts to settle in, especially in the second half, started to get a little bit more comfortable throwing all my pitches in the zone and locating in and out.

Neil Roberts: Pitchers are here. Some are after last year. But Ryan Jeffers is a guy that I think you played some catch with and that just wrapped up a few innings here in training camp. How's your feeling with Brian behind the plate?

Bailey Ober: I'll feel great. Me and Ryan go way back through the minors and played against each other in college. So we have a good understanding of each other. And he knows me very well. Probably the best out of any of the guys that we got here. So I mean, we got a good connection going and it's always fun whenever he's back there.

Neil Roberts: All right. We'll talk 2022 when we come back.

The Dakotan: You're listening to Spring Fever Baseball on the Minnesota Twins with Neil Roberts on The Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts: Or a former 12th round pick of the Twins, Bailey Ober and Bailey, Aden all in 2019. I believe in the minors for you with a minuscule ERA that had to give you some real confidence.

Bailey Ober: Yeah, definitely. That was just one of those years where I felt like I was on every start below wasn't quite what it is now but I was able to locate and I feel like the best that I've had in a long time that season and just try to continue that into. I know we had an off year in 2020 with COVID stuff, but felt like I was picked up right where I left off from this past season.

Neil Roberts: Goals for 20, 20 to be. Bailey Ober: The best that I can be when every game that we play and try to make an all star. Neil Roberts: Team. Awesome Bailey hey thanks for your time and I hope that all comes true.

Bailey Ober: Appreciate it. Thank you.

Neil Roberts: All right, Bailey Ober with this, everybody. That concludes this edition the last time. I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan: You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local news.

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