Ranching Issues with Neil Roberts: John Dhuyvetter Part 2

Nicole DesRosier
 April 22, 2022

The Dakotan:

And now time for this week's edition of Ranching Issues. Here's Neil Roberts.

Neil Roberts:

Welcome to another edition of Ranching Issues. Our guest this week is Noonan area rancher and former NDSU livestock specialist. John Dhuyvetter. And John, it's no secret ranchers continue to work despite the drought. We're tired of dealing with it. I know, but it continues to be a reality. Share some lessons you've experienced with it.

John Dhuyvetter:

Well, drought makes for hard decisions. And I think one of the lessons we saw was you got to plan ahead, count your forage, no end to reduce numbers. Most everybody's prepared to herd down somewhat. And some people, it was drastic. They sold out. But I think sooner and later, a little planning, a little inventory. What you got? Can you make it to the end and sell in timely so you don't end up in a position where everything's gone? Everything has to happen at once.

Neil Roberts:

All right. Good stuff, John. Hey, we'll have more points on the drought when we come back.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to Ranching Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:

Talking in the drought with John. Do better today on Ranching Issues. And John, how about some thoughts on feed and water?

John Dhuyvetter:

Well, it's pretty hard to be in a cattle business. That water in the surface water ponds dried up. We lost a few cattle throughout the region because of bad water. I think if you're going to be the cattle business sense of priorities, you start planning your infrastructure it takes some wells, it takes some tanks to take the pipelines. And I think there are some programs out there to help look for them. The other thing is you got to look for all your feed options. We were able to graze some CERP. We've been able to boil some straw. We've been able to buy some byproducts like distillers. And the other thing is, it doesn't all turn out the same. Put in a little bit of corn, put it in a little bit of barley. Use your annuals, use some rotation. Try to have a little contingency plan. Some of them will fizzle. Hopefully some of them turn out for you.

Neil Roberts:

All right. Good stuff, as always, John. Thanks for that. And that will bring the end of this report until next time. I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local News.

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