Ranching Issues with Neil Roberts: James Rogers Part 2

Nicole DesRosier
 April 21, 2022

The Dakotan:

And now time for this week's edition of Ranching Issues. Here's Neil Roberts.

Neil Roberts:

Welcome to another edition of Ranching Issues. Our guest this week is Extension Forage Crop Specialist James Rogers. And then our Central Research Center. And, James, as we discuss in our other report, the Dakotas, the Northern Plains are experiencing a drought right now. The condition of the animal is important to note. I know that you want to point out today.

James Rogers:

Right. Because if we think about the drought in our winter, forage supplies maybe the forage, the nutritive value of the forages is lower. So that's going to have an effect on the animals. So coming out of winter, a lot of people are in in April, May. What's the body condition score of these cows coming out if they're a little bit thin as a result of feeding issues through the fall winter, that can have a lingering effect through caving in into re breeding. So something to really pay attention to.

Neil Roberts:

All right. Good stuff, James. And a lot more on condition of your animal when we come back.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to Ranching Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakota Network.

Neil Roberts:

Talking drought and the condition of your livestock today with James Rogers from the North Central Research Center. And James, we talked to cows before the break. How about bulls?

James Rogers:

Well, we thought about the condition of the cows coming out of winter feeding and into spring calving and breeding. It's just as important to pay attention to body condition score on those bulls as well, because when you hit breeding season, they need to be in good shape, good condition to make sure they're covering those cows and get good brita. So watching the condition on the bulls is every bit as important as on the cows.

Neil Roberts:

And hopefully we have a spring around the corner. The temperatures turn around here as well. And we get some moisture.

James Rogers:

Right. Hopefully, everybody will be belly deep in grass this spring.

Neil Roberts:

Hey, with that, we'll call it Edition. And also with that, it marks the end of our ranching issues. For this spring next week. Tune into egg

issues right here on this very same station. Until then, I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to the Dakota Network. Real, Honest, Local News.

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