Ag Issues with Neil Roberts: TJ Prochaska Part 6

Lydia Hoverson
 June 22, 2022
The Dakotan:
This is Ag Issues with Neil Roberts.

Neil Roberts:
Welcome to another edition of Ag Issues. Our guest this week is industry crop protection specialist TJ Prochaska from the North Central Research Extension Center. And T.J., I understand cut worms are here as we speak. How severe is the situation?

TJ Prochaska:
That's right. A significant damage from cut wounds is being found here and there throughout the state. Sunflowers in Cache County, pulse crops throughout western North Dakota and even parts of eastern Montana. At the moment, TH2 cut worm species can cause economic damage here in North Dakota. There's really three types of cut worms here in the state. Those that overwinter as commercially grown larva, those that overwinter as eggs. The red back cut worm, which is pretty common, is an example of that. And finally, those that migrate from southern states on upper level winds like that of the black cut worm.

Neil Roberts:
All right. Good stuff. And hey, we'll have more on cut worms when we come back.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to Ag Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:
Talking cut worms today on egg issues with T.J. Prochaska. And T.J., let's talk scouting and control. What can you tell us?

TJ Prochaska:
Scouting is going to be key over the next few weeks as colors continue to be an issue. Routine scouting, especially in the evening hours. It's going to be best. Of course, they feed at night and high during the day. So evening scouting will be key. Grow crops like soybean, canola, lentils and more tend to be a little bit more susceptible because unlike that of small grains, they don't have the tailoring aspect to help them compensate. Let's talk about some of the economic thresholds. Of course, many different crops are impacted. So just a couple to highlight two to three larvae per square meter for peas and lentils, one larva per three feet of row for soybean and one lover per square foot for sunflower. One thing to consider is the overall size. If there under three fourths of an inch insecticide application would be necessary.

Neil Roberts:
All right. Good stuff, T.J. And that brings this report to a close. Next time, I'm Neil Roberts.
The Dakotan:
You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real. Honest. Local news.

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