Ag Issues with Neil Roberts: Leo Bartolon Part 8

Nicole DesRosier
 June 3, 2022
The Dakotan:
This is Ag Issues with Neil Roberts.

Neil Roberts:
Welcome to another edition of Ag Issues. Our guest today is in the NDSU cropping system specialist Leo Bartolon from the North Central Research Extension Center. And Leo, nitrogen management in the scenario of crop change is a common thread right now for a lot of farmers. As insurance deadlines loom. Tell us more about it.

Leo Bartolon:
Yeah. Several farmers applied nitrogen last year for corn. And with the delayed in planting, we are facing recently what farmers can do since you can not enter to the field because the final planting data for corn is not suitable anymore. So we're going to discuss a little bit more about what the options the farmers can do with the nitrogen applied and what's the effect of the good and the bad for each crop.

Neil Roberts:
Good stuff. We will have more on nitrogen management when we come back.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to Ag Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:
Talking Nitrogen Management with Leo Bartolon today on Ag Issues and Leo. There is a range of concerns here. Correct?

Leo Bartolon:
Yes, correct. I'm going to summarize some options that Dr. de Friends and did for example in a scenario with £150 of nitrogen applied for corn in the fall, but the farmers cannot plant corn. So why should I plant in this scenario? So go with wheat, canola and barley. If you're going to vote, go barley, go to tomorrow. It will be the best fit and try to avoid flax because it will grow too much. It will be very hard to to harvest, avoid sunflower, buckwheat and trying to keep on small grains. So that's the best case scenario for this change.

Neil Roberts:
All right. Good stuff, as always. Thanks, Leo. Hey, that brings this report to a close. If you missed one, check us on the Website Until next time. I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:
You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local news.

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