Ag Issues with Neil Roberts: Leo Bartolon Part 2

Nicole DesRosier
 April 22, 2022

The Dakotan:

This is Ag Issues with Neil Roberts.

Neil Roberts:

Welcome to another edition of Ag Issues. Our guest this week is in the NDSU Cropping System Specialist Leo Bartolon from the North Central Research Extension Center. And Leo. Of course, many farmers saw a big blizzard roll through last week. And given that, let's talk nitrogen, how does that affect that application process?

Leo Bartolon:

Yes, a lot of farmers already applied nitrogen before then. Much of them ask me The amount of snow will impact my nitrogen in the soil. Well, we should not expect a lot of losses of nitrogen. So the nitrogen, it was applied before the blizzard should be there. Considering the one 10th of a ratio, like 30 inches of snow, we can get three inches of rain. So possibly the nitrogen will keep in the soil. Okay.

Neil Roberts:

Good stuff you all. Thanks for that. And hey, we'll have more on nitrogen when we come back.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to Ag Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:

Talking nitrogen today on air issues following a blizzard with Leo, Bartolon and Leo. The source and timing are crucial here, right? And what can farmers do to increase their efficiency Yes.

Leo Bartolon:

So a lot of farmers will apply nitrogen for small grains. Following the blizzard. So to increase the efficiency, make sure you select some protected area or some product that extends the nitrification and volatile ization of the nitrogen source. And also of course, if the logistics permits, because the prices are going up and a lot of another external situations can damage the efficiency. But if you can select a good source and the timing of the application for small grains is very changeable. So take advantage of that. If you're very busy on your operation, you can take like three days after planting to apply or nitrogen.

Neil Roberts:

All right. Good stuff, as always. Thanks for that, Leo. That brings this report to a close the next time. I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local News.

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