Mapleton Golf Cart Crash, Injury, Charges

ND Highway Patrol What: InjuryWhere: Intersection of Sunset Dr. and Sunrise Dr., MapletonWhen: 7-15-2023 at 8:05 PM CentralRoad Conditions: GoodWeather Conditions: Clear, SunnyCrash Involvement: Single vehicleType of Crash: Non-CollisionAgencies Involved: Cass County Sheriff's Office, Mapleton Quick Response Unit, FMAmbulance, Sanford AirMed, North Dakota Highway PatrolVehicle No. 1: Club CarDriver No. 1: Erin Brousseau, female, 43, […]
by The Dakotan
July 16, 2023

Trash Talk 

A Slice of Life Good idea?  Not so sure?  Supposed to be. Feel good about it. Don’t want to mess with it? Give it a try.  Ahhh. The recycling age has begun in Minot. Yup, some real trash talkin’ has descended upon the city. Those blue top, super-sized recycling carts are the talk of the town. […]
by Kim Fundingsland
July 16, 2023

Police Officer Killed, 2 Others Shot in Fargo

Suspect Dead By JACK DURA and SUMMER BALLENTINE Associated PressFARGO, N.D. (AP) — One police officer was killed and two others were critically wounded in a shooting on a busy street in Fargo that also left the suspect dead, police said. A witness told The Associated Press that she saw a car crash and police […]
by AP - The Dakotan
July 15, 2023

People Identified in Golf Cart Crash

ND Highway Patrol Williams County Injury Crash - UPDATEWhat: Single Vehicle Injury CrashWhere: Intersection of 65th St E and 2nd Ave E, WillistonWhen: 7/13/2023 approximately 8:07 PM CDTRoad Conditions: DryWeather Conditions: ClearCrash Involvement: Single VehicleType of Crash: Ran Off RoadAgencies Involved: NDHP, Williston Police Department, Williston Fire Department, WillistonAmbulanceVehicle No. 1: 2012 Club Car Golf […]
by The Dakotan
July 14, 2023

Proposal to Limit Age for Congress

Retire Congress North Dakota Proposes Constitutional Amendment That Sets Age 80 As Limit To Serve In Congress From North Dakota BISMARCK -- Retire Congress North Dakota announces that it is spearheading a statewide push for an amendment to the North Dakota state Constitution that would prohibit anyone from North Dakota aged 80 or older from […]
by The Dakotan
July 14, 2023

Sakakawea on the rise 

Several Feet More Than Expected  RIVERDALE – Lake Sakakawea has been experiencing a dramatic rise in water level the past few weeks, and there’s much more to come.  According to the latest projections of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Lake Sakakawea’s peak elevation this year is expected to be 1,842.6 feet. One month […]
by Kim Fundingsland
July 14, 2023

Rollover Kills One in Barnes County

ND Highway Patrol What: One vehicle rollover fatal crashWhere: 125th Ave & 14th St SE Hope, ND- 2 miles west of PillsburyWhen: July 13, 2023 at 3:51PMRoad Conditions: Dry gravelWeather Conditions: Clear skiesCrash Involvement: Chevrolet Cobalt left the roadway and overturned.Agencies Involved: Barnes County Sheriff, Hope Ambulance, Barnes County Ambulance,Valley City Fire and Rescue, and […]
by The Dakotan
July 13, 2023

Energy Drinks and Athletics

Trinity Health Release MINOT -- It may seem harmless – like a cup of coffee in the morning. But research shows that gulping down an energy drink before a big game or at any other time could be counterproductive at best and, in some cases, downright dangerous. Energy drinks, highly caffeinated beverages that often contain […]
by The Dakotan
July 13, 2023

El Nino Conditions Persist 

ND Favored for Warmer, Drier Winter  Despite the cooler than normal temperatures across North Dakota as of late, the Climate Prediction Center says the development of El Nino continues to progress. An El Nino advisory remains in effect with conditions favored to strengthen into the Northern Hemisphere winter of 2023-24.   El Nino is created […]
by Kim Fundingsland
July 13, 2023

Fatality Crash Ends in Water

ND Highway Patrol What: One vehicle fatal crashWhere: Hwy. 281, between MM 31 and 32, on the north side of EdgeleyWhen: July 12th @ approximately 9:52 pmRoad Conditions: Dry roads, normal summer conditionsType of Crash: Vehicle left the roadwayAgencies Involved: NDHP, LaMoure SO, Edgeley FD, Edgeley Ambulance & JamestownAmbulanceVehicle No. 1: 2012 Dodge CaravanDriver No. […]
by The Dakotan
July 13, 2023
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