
Category: Editorial

Does North Dakota Truly Have a Citizen Legislature? 

What would it take to achieve such a body?  In an ideal world, our state legislature ought to reflect a “citizen legislature,” where North Dakotans from all walks of life could run, get elected, and serve in the legislature. In doing so they could have a hand in enacting the laws that govern our state. […]
by Greg Demme
February 11, 2022

Lasting Change Takes Time 

About a month ago, many people were making New Year’s resolutions. I have no idea how many people have, up to this point, succeeded in keeping them, but I do know we also saw a number of articles at that time about the attributes and mindsets that lead to meaningful change. For example, not only […]
by Greg Demme
February 4, 2022

Why Do So Many Judges Run Unopposed? 

Last week I reported on Judge Gary Lee’s decision to seek a fourth term as North Central District Court judge. The conversation I had with Judge Lee got me thinking: why do so many of our district court judges run unopposed?   Now, please hear me: I’m not in any way writing against Judge Lee. In […]
by Greg Demme
January 21, 2022

What We’ve Accomplished So Far 

In my end-of-year editorial, I stated I would not write a “year-in-review” piece because others would cover that idea better than I ever could. Nevertheless, as we ring in the New Year, it’s worth reviewing at the very least what we’ve specifically accomplished at The Dakotan in the last ten weeks of 2021.    Last year […]
by Greg Demme
January 4, 2022

Will 2022 Be Any Better? 

Not unless we make it so  The easy editorial to write this week would be a list of New Year’s resolutions. To be honest, I’ve never been all that excited about making New Year’s Resolutions. I could also have written up a 2021 year-in-review. But I know others could, and will, do a much better job of that than […]
by Greg Demme
December 28, 2021

Under-the-Radar School Bond Election

MPS bond election needs more exposure and better arguments In recent years elections have become a thorny topic simply by virtue of their contested nature in the context of an increasingly polarized society. In the last year, accusations of fraud have brought feelings about elections to a fever pitch. Election coverage usually seems to approach saturation point, but this current Minot Public School (MPS) bond election has practically flown under the […]
by Greg Demme
December 4, 2021

Say a Special Prayer

It is not hard to write this editorial, as Thanksgiving week is all about giving thanks for our family, our friends, and the freedom we have in the United States, guaranteed by those who serve in our military in the U.S. and around the world. Some of our military friends will be able to make […]
by Jonathan Starr
November 25, 2021

The Dakotan Welcomes Letters to the Editor

Here at The Dakotan, we are pursuing our desire to become a full-service media organization serving the great state of North Dakota. We want to take the best of all the media worlds and combine them together. We want to take the best of the written word, but without the cost of paper and ink, […]
by Greg Demme
November 23, 2021

Is Hard Work the Best We Should Expect from Our Legislature?

North Dakotans value hard work. A recent analysis by WalletHub, using ten key indicators, placed North Dakota as the 2nd hardest working state in the U. S., trailing only Alaska. Most North Dakotans teach their children at an early age the value of hard work, and that instilled training tends to last a lifetime.  I think about hard work in the context of […]
by Greg Demme
November 16, 2021

Grassroots Involvement Yields Powerful Results

Editorial / opinion  With a special session of the North Dakota legislature approaching on Monday, Nov. 8, many North Dakotans may find themselves in one of three primary camps.  Camp #1:  “Our elected leaders do whatever they want all the time. I’m frustrated by governmental overreach, and I want to see things change, but I feel helpless. At […]
by Greg Demme
November 4, 2021

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