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Legacy Fund in-state investment program poses tricky transparency questions

By: Mary Steurer (North Dakota Monitor) Leaders guiding a program to invest state money in North Dakota are puzzling over the best way to share its work with the public in a sector where too much transparency can scare off business partners. The Growth Fund, established in 2021, has two…
August 5, 2024

Federal government pays $2 billion for farmer discrimination

North Dakotans to receive about $17.9 million By: Jared Strong Tens of thousands of farmers or would-be farmers who say they suffered discrimination when they applied for assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will get one-time payments that total about $2 billion from the federal government. North Dakota has more…
August 1, 2024

Start Up Minot Presents

Minot Area Chamber/EDC release Start Up Minot attendees – A reminder that we have our regular (second Thursday of every month!) Start Up Minot networking event at the Carnegie Center. This week’s guest speakers are two fabulous ladies who have made a big impact over the past ten years on…
April 8, 2024

Train Kills Man Near Carpio

ND Highway Patrol release What: FatalityWhere: Highway 52 mile marker 67 approximately 1.5 miles northwest of CarpioWhen: April 7, 2024 at 1:00 pm CTWeather Conditions: CloudyCrash Involvement: Train/PedestrianAgencies Involved: NDHP, Ward County Sheriff’s Office, Carpio FD, Burlington FD, andBerthold Ambulance ServicePedestrianHometown: Carpio, North DakotaGender/Age: 84 year old maleInjury: FatalNARRATIVE: At…
April 7, 2024

Advisory Board Meetings Announced

ND Game and Fish release The North Dakota Game and Fish Department Advisory Board will host public meetings this spring at eight locations across the state.These public meetings, held each spring and fall, provide citizens with an opportunity to discuss fish and wildlife issues and ask questions of their district…
April 4, 2024

Farmers Union's 90th Season of Summer Camp

Discounts offered for early camp registration JAMESTOWN – North Dakota Farmers Union is celebrating a 90-year milestone with the start of its youth summer camping program in June. “What began on the shores of Spiritwood Lake near Jamestown in 1934 is still going strong today,” said NDFU Education Director Miranda…
April 1, 2024

Report Bald Eagle Nest Sightings

ND Game and Fish The North Dakota Game and Fish Department is asking for help locating active bald eagle nests.Conservation biologist Sandra Johnson said the department is looking for locations of nests with eagles present, not individual eagle sightings.Eagles lay eggs in early to mid-March, which hatch about a month…
April 1, 2024

Late Winter Storm for ND

National Weather Service Key Messages● Impactful winter storm across much of western and central North Dakota tonight throughMonday, with the greatest impacts along and south of Interstate 94.● Medium chances of at least 12 inches of snow, generally along and south of Interstate 94.● Greatest uncertainty in snow amounts remains…
March 22, 2024

2024-26 Fishing Regulations Set

ND Game and Fish Department release North Dakota’s 2024-26 fishing proclamation is set, with regulations effective April 1, 2024, through March 31, 2026. New fishing licenses are required April 1.Anglers can find the North Dakota 2024-26 Fishing Guide online at the state Game and Fish Department website, gf.nd.gov, or at…
March 21, 2024

Winter Weather Returns

Two Snow Events Likely Key Messages ● High chances (90%) for accumulating snow Wednesday afternoon through Thursday evening. ● Highest snow amounts Wednesday afternoon through Thursday evening expected from Williston to Bismarck and Jamestown to Lisbon, North Dakota. ● Medium to high chances for more impactful winter weather this weekend,…
March 19, 2024

Farm Tractor Fatal

ND Highway Patrol release What: FatalityWhere: 4800 Block of 9th Street NE; approximately 6 miles west of Cathay, NDWhen: Reported March 18, 2024; at 9:02 AM CDTRoad Conditions: Dry, gravelWeather Conditions: Clear, windyCrash Involvement: Single VehicleType of Crash: EjectionAgencies Involved: North Dakota Highway Patrol, Wells County Sheriff’s Office, andFessenden Ambulance…
March 18, 2024

Elk, Moose, Bighorn Sheep Applications Online

ND Game and Fish Elk, moose and bighorn sheep applications are available online at the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s website, gf.nd.gov. The deadline for applying is March 27. A total of 833 elk licenses are available to hunters this fall, an increase of 230 from last year. Licenses in units…
March 14, 2024

Game and Fish Grants Available

ND Game and Fish release Grant Supports High School Trap LeagueLocal clubs or communities interested in receiving a grant to support a high school trap shooting team must have the application in before April 1. Existing teams that have received a grant in the past are not eligible.The North Dakota…
March 11, 2024

2023 Bighorn Sheep, Moose and Elk Harvests

ND Game and Fish release Harvest statistics released by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department show overall hunter success during the 2023 season for bighorn sheep was 100%, 89% for moose and 71% for elk.The department issued five bighorn sheep licenses and auctioned one. All six hunters harvested a…
March 6, 2024

Sakakawea Outlook Sinks Again

Peak for 2024 Reached in January RIVERDALE – The Missouri River Basin runoff forecast has dropped considerably from one month ago. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers latest projections for snowmelt runoff into the system is now just 66% of normal. A month ago, that number was 73%. According to…
March 6, 2024

Food Plot Seed Offered by Game and Fish

ND Game and Fish release Hunters, Anglers Asked to Participate in SurveyThe North Dakota Game and Fish Department is collaborating with North Dakota State University on a statewide survey aimed at understanding the economic impact of hunting and fishing activities in the state. The survey will be distributed via email…
March 4, 2024

Winter Weather Advisory

National Weather Service Winter Weather AdvisoryURGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGENational Weather Service Bismarck ND130 PM CST Sat Mar 2 2024 NDZ009>011-017>019-021-030330-/O.CON.KBIS.WW.Y.0007.240303T0000Z-240304T1200Z/Williams-Mountrail-Ward-McKenzie-Dunn-Mercer-McLean-Including the cities of Parshall, Watford City, Killdeer,Stanley, Beulah, Hazen, New Town, Halliday, Underwood, Wilton,Washburn, Minot, Garrison, Turtle Lake, and Williston130 PM CST Sat Mar 2 2024 /1230 PM MST…
March 1, 2024

Spring Outlook for Souris River

Runoff Potential Very Minimal MINOT – This spring’s runoff into the Souris River basin is more likely to be measured in ounces than in acre feet. Snow cover is either gone or very minimal throughout the drainage with developing drought conditions becoming a major concern. The latest Flood Potential Outlook…
February 29, 2024

Energy Company Opens New Office in Alexander

Wescom, Inc. Announces Move ALEXANDER – Wescom, Inc., an American energy service company, is pleased to announce a brand-new office in North Dakota. After more than ten years of work in the Bakken region, Wescom has become an established name with a large array of completed projects. This move to…
February 29, 2024

Saskatchewan Runoff Outlook

Dry Conditions Prevail Any runoff from spring snowmelt into the Souris River Basin will be limited. That is the take-away from preliminary analysis of the basin by the Saskatchewan Water Security Agency. Due to its potential for exceeding its banks the Souris River drainage is closely monitored for snowpack water…
February 28, 2024

Long Range WX Outlook

El Nino to La Nina Likely Enjoy it while you can. That is the underlying message in the latest long-range weather outlook issued by the Climate Prediction Center. This winter is destined to go into the record book as one of the warmest ever for North Dakota, thanks to a…
February 19, 2024

Spring Turkey Drawing Held, Licenses Remain

ND Game and Fish release The 2024 spring wild turkey lottery has been held and more than 1,000 licenses remain in 11 units. Remaining licenses are issued on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 8 a.m. Central time on Feb. 21.Hunters are allowed two licenses for the spring season.Licenses remain…
February 16, 2024

MACA Executive Director Departs

Minot Area Council of the Arts release The Executive Board for the Minot Area Council of the Arts announces the departure of its Executive Director Justin Anderson. Anderson has been an active member of MACA since 2017, first as a member and Board Member and beginning in the fall of…
February 13, 2024

ND Game and Fish News

ND Game and Fish release  Spring Turkey Apps DueSpring turkey applicants should note the deadline to apply is Feb. 14.Applicants can apply online at the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website, gf.nd.gov.Spring turkey licenses are available only to North Dakota residents. The season opens April 13 and continues…
February 12, 2024

Sakakawea Forecast Sinking

Latest Runoff Outlook Declines RIVERDALE – Snowfall and its Snow Water Equivalent continues to track well below normal in the Missouri River Basin. The latest numbers revealed in the February outlook compiled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers show a decline in the Forecast of Annual Runoff from 20.1-million-acre…
February 8, 2024

Mountain Snowpack Trending Very Low

Major Water Source for Lake Sakakawea This winter has been exceedingly mild, spurred by a strong El Nino, and has produced minimal snowfall – so far. The Rocky Mountain snowpack is trending much less than normal according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The latest Snow Water Equivalent data…
January 30, 2024

Spring Turkey Season Set

ND Game and Fish release The North Dakota Game and Fish Department is offering 8,137 wild turkey licenses for the 2024 spring hunting season, 725 more than last year.Thirteen of the 22 hunting units have more spring licenses than last year and eight remain the same. Unit 21 (Hettinger and…
January 25, 2024

City of Minot Earns Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting

City of Minot release The City of Minot has earned the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence inFinancial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the UnitedStates and Canada for its annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal yearthat ended Dec. 31, 2022.The report has been judged by an impartial…
January 17, 2024

Dangerous Wind Chill Continues

National Weather Service Key Messages● A prolonged Arctic outbreak will continue to bringwidespread sub-zero temperatures and life-threateningwind chills to western and central North Dakotathrough Tuesday morning.● Wind chills down to 65 degrees below zero remainpossible through this morning, and could remain lessthan 35 below zero during the daytime hours. Windchills…
January 14, 2024

Expanded Wind Chill Warning

National Weather Service Significant Blowing Snow Possible Tonight Through SaturdayKey Messages● A prolonged Arctic outbreak will bring widespread sub-zero temperatures and dangerous to life threatening wind chills to western and central North Dakota through Tuesday morning.● The worst conditions are expected over the weekend when wind chills could fall as…
January 12, 2024

Blowing Snow, Dangerous Cold Outbreak

National Weather Service ImpactsNear white out conditions possible in rural areas with hazardous, possibly dangeroustravel.TimingFriday evening through Saturday.ActionsConsider delaying travel. Slow down on roads. Coupled with life threatening cold, ensure vehiclegas tanks are full (or batteries charged) and have a winter survival kit. BRIEFING LINK: https://www.weather.gov/media/bis/DssPacket.pdf
January 10, 2024

Ready, Set, COLD

National Weather Service A prolonged period of below zero temperatures along with dangerously cold wind chills expected this weekend. We start to moderate early next week. Best chance for snow (70-90%) is on Friday, with another inch or two of snow forecast.
January 10, 2024

Bobcat Zone 2 Closed

ND Game and Fish release Jan. 8 -- Bobcat hunting and trapping in Zone 2 is closed after the zone’s predetermined harvest limit of eight has been reached. Zone 2 is land east of U.S Highway 83. The bobcat season in Zone 1 has no harvest limit and is open…
January 8, 2024

Early Projection: No Rise for Lake Sakakawea  

First 2024 Runoff Outlook Very Low  RIVERDALE – Lake Sakakawea’s current elevation, slightly over 1,838 feet, is not expected to change in 2024 according to the Missouri River Basin first runoff outlook of the year.  Projected Missouri River Basin runoff compiled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is for…
January 5, 2024

Minimal Missouri Basin Snowpack

Tracking Below 20 Year Low The amount of snowfall that will impact the water level in Lake Sakakawea next summer is tracking below minimum levels established from 1991-2020 record keeping. Data from 1999-2020 reflects more recent weather trends believed to be more indicative for long-term comparisons. The effect of a…
December 29, 2023

Bird Chatter 

A Slice of Life  Every December dedicated bird watchers conduct Christmas Bird Counts throughout the United States. Several of the counts are conducted annually in the Minot Area. The counts are part of a national effort led by the Audubon Society.  Though I have never considered myself a serious birder,…
December 24, 2023

Liquor License Suspended, Delayed 

Action Taken by City Council  MINOT – A special meeting of the City Council Friday resulted in the suspension of the liquor license for the remainder of 2023 and an 18-day delay in license renewal in 2024 for The Spot located downtown.  The special meeting was called over concerns that…
December 22, 2023

Warm Winter Remains on Track 

Latest Three-Month Outlook  Prognostic Discussion for Long-Lead Seasonal Outlooks  NWS Climate Prediction Center College Park MD  830 AM EST Thu Dec 21 2023   SUMMARY OF THE OUTLOOK  El Niño conditions are currently observed, and equatorial sea surface  temperatures (SSTs) are above average across the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. The El…
December 21, 2023

Project BEE Under City Scrutiny

City of Minot release Officials with the City of Minot are participating in the information-gathering processafter becoming aware of alleged internal financial challenges at Project BEE, a localnonprofit and community partner.The National Disaster Resilience program allocated federal funds for a number ofprojects, including the Broadway Circle project under the direction…
December 20, 2023

A New ND Law can Cut Your Tax by Half

An innovative new law passed by the ND State legislature in 2023 can reduce taxes for individuals, businesses, and corporations, while freeing up more funds to help women, men, and families. According to section II of HB 1176, “a taxpayer is entitled to a credit against the (North Dakota) income…
December 19, 2023

Watne reelected ND Farmers Union president

NDFU release JAMESTOWN – Mark Watne of Velva was reelected to an 11th one-year term as North Dakota Farmers Union president by more than 500 members and voting delegates attending the organization’s 97th annual state convention Dec. 15-16 in Bismarck.In his address to members, Watne reflected on groundbreaking ideas the…
December 18, 2023

Latest Game and Fish News

ND Game and Fish release Urban Pollinator Program DeadlineEducators interested in applying for the Urban Pollinator Program must apply by Jan. 10.The program was created to assist educational organizations in developing urban pollinator gardens. Elementary, middle, and high schools, special education schools, colleges, and educational clubs are eligible to apply.…
December 4, 2023

ND Farmer's Union Convention Set

Dec. 15-16 in Bismarck JAMESTOWN – North Dakota Farmers Union, the state’s largest farm organization, kicks off its 97th annual state convention on Friday, Dec. 15, at the Bismarck Event Center. Ag education will be front and center at the convention through a series of breakout sessions focused on property…
November 27, 2023

Game and Fish Responds to Public

Advisory Board Meeting in Bismarck BISMARCK – Issues involving the state’s deer herd were among the topics discussed at a Game and Fish Advisory Board meeting held here Tuesday. Each year Game and Fish holds a series of eight Advisory Board meetings across the state each spring and fall to…
November 22, 2023

Favorable Winter Forecast Improves 

Mild Winter Likely  Persistent El Nino conditions carry the prospect of a rather mild winter for North Dakota through February and beyond.  El Nino is a warming of Pacific Ocean waters that influences winter weather. Forecasters say no two El Ninos are the same, but current outlooks are encouraging news…
November 16, 2023

Senate Passes Funding Bill to Avert a Government Shutdown, Extend Farm Bill

Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-ND, release WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) issued the following statements after voting for the Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act. This continuing resolution (CR), which passed the Senate by a vote of 87 to 11, extends funding in the Agriculture, Energy and Water,…
November 16, 2023

Hunters Cautioned of Ground Conditions

ND Game and Fish release With North Dakota’s deer gun season opening soon, the state’s countryside will see an influx of hunters traveling rural backroads to fill their tags. Knowing that, the Game and Fish Department encourages hunters to assess travel routes during the upcoming season as recent precipitation has…
November 7, 2023

Hunters Encouraged to Have Deer Tested for CWD

ND Game and Fish release Hunters Encouraged to Have Deer Tested for CWD, Reminded of Disposal Requirements The North Dakota Game and Fish Department will continue its Hunter-Harvested Surveillance program during the 2023 hunting season by sampling deer for chronic wasting disease from select units in the southeastern portion of…
October 30, 2023

Snowfall Totals

National Weather Service Public Information StatementNational Weather Service Bismarck ND919 AM CDT Fri Oct 27 2023 …SNOWFALL REPORTS… Location Amount Time/DateStanley 15.5 in 0811 AM 10/27Washburn 14.0 in 1140 PM 10/26Harvey 14.0 in 0619 AM 10/27Hazen 13.4 in 0600 AM 10/27New England 13.3 in 1000 PM 10/264 WNW Stanton 13.2…
October 27, 2023

Winter Storm Continues Until Early Friday Morning

National Weather Service Key Messages● Snow continues over much of western and centralNorth Dakota.● The greatest additional snow amounts are expectedfrom southwest into central North Dakota, includingthe Bowman, Dickinson, Elgin, Bismarck, Washburn,Harvey, and Carrington areas.● Light freezing rain is possible to the southeast of a linefrom Hettinger to Bismarck to…
October 26, 2023

NDFU urges lawmakers to retain funding for fertilizer production

JAMESTOWN – As the state legislature reconvenes today to reauthorize components of an Office of Management and Budget legislative bill that was ruled unconstitutional by the N.D. State Supreme Court, North Dakota Farmers Union is urging lawmakers to retain a program designed to support in-state fertilizer production. “Expanding in-state fertilizer…
October 23, 2023

Rodeo Talent Eyes Minot

Badlands cowboys, cowgirls enter Circuit Finals Rodeo in first place in respective events MINOT – The best cowboys and cowgirls in the Dakotas will be in Minot next month for the Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo. And these number ones lead the charge, in their respective events. North Dakota cowboy Chase…
September 25, 2023

Students Analyze Renewable Energy 

Envirothon Offers Outdoor Classroom  FOXHOLM – Science students from throughout the Minot area had some hands-on learning outdoors at the Upper Souris National Wildlife Refuge this past week and followed up their experience with 10-minute oral presentations before panels of judges.   The topic for Envirothon 2023 was interesting and…
September 25, 2023

Autumn Be Stylin’ 

First Day of Fall Saturday  MINOT – It is starting to look like fall, with shorter days and leaves turning colors but, with the official first day of fall arriving Saturday, the temperatures have been trending more summerlike than what might be expected for September in North Dakota.  Official temperature…
September 22, 2023

The US National Debt Just Hit A Grim New Milestone 

Nicole Littlefield (Daily Caller News Foundation) on September 19, 2023  The U.S. national debt reached $33 trillion for the first time on Monday, according to data published by the Treasury Department.  The Treasury Department noted the national debt hit $33.04 trillion on Monday afternoon, several months after the U.S. hit the debt ceiling…
September 21, 2023

ND Game and Fish News

Waterfowl SeasonNorth Dakota’s waterfowl season opens for residents Sept. 23, while nonresidents may begin hunting waterfowl Sept. 30.The season for swans opens Sept. 30 for both residents and nonresidents who have purchased a swan license.Hunters may take six ducks, including mergansers, per day with the following restrictions: five mallards of…
September 18, 2023

Rolette County Fatal Crash

ND Highway Patrol What: Fatal CrashWhere: Intersection of County Road 15 & 89th Street Northeast (approximately 3 miles northof Rolette)When: September 14, 2023 @ approximately 6:10 PM CSTRoad Conditions: DryWeather Conditions: ClearCrash Involvement: Two-vehiclesType of Crash: AngleAgencies Involved: North Dakota Highway Patrol, Rolette County Sheriff’s Office, Rolette FireDepartment, Belcourt Fire…
September 15, 2023

El Nino now 95% Certain 

Latest Projections for Winter Ahead  With each passing day the Climate Prediction Center becomes more and more certain that North Dakota can expect a warmer winter than usual in the months ahead.  In their latest outlook the CPC says they are 95% certain that a strong El Nino will influence…
September 14, 2023

Bighorn Licenses, Upland Game Survey

ND Game and Fish News Six Bighorn Sheep LicensesThe North Dakota Game and Fish Department allocated six bighorn sheep licenses for the 2023 hunting season, one more than last year.One license was issued in unit B1, one in B3, two in B4 and one in B5. In addition, one license,…
September 11, 2023

Remaining Fall Turkey Licenses Available Sept. 20

ND Game and Fish release The fall wild turkey lottery has been held and more than 1,400 licenses remain in 13 units. Unsuccessful applicants will have a refund issued to their credit card. Beginning at 8 a.m. Central time on Sept. 20, all remaining licenses will be issued on a…
September 9, 2023

Latest NDGF News

Fall Turkey DeadlineNorth Dakota’s fall turkey application deadline is Sept. 6.Fall turkey hunters, including gratis applicants, can submit an online application through the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s website, gf.nd.gov.Only North Dakota residents are eligible to apply. Nonresidents can apply for remaining fall turkey licenses following the first lottery.…
September 1, 2023

Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo Selects Personnel for ’23 Rodeo

Minot – The Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo has selected its personnel for the 2023 rodeo. Headlining the all-star cast are announcers Bob Tallman and Garrison Allen. Tallman, an eleven-time PRCA Announcer of the Year winner, has announced the Badlands Circuit Finals for the past fourteen years. For Allen, Laurel, Mont.,…
August 31, 2023

Storm Spectacular but Brief 

Rainfall Welcome  MINOT – The thunderstorm that centered over Minot shortly after 1 a.m. Thursday was loud, bright and, for a time, brought a deluge of rainfall. All in all, measurable precipitation in and near the city was about 1/3 of an inch.  Nevertheless, it was a welcome rainfall despite…
August 31, 2023

CWD Testing During Deer Bow, Elk, Moose Seasons

ND Game and Fish Department release With the deer bow, elk, and moose seasons opening soon, North Dakota Game and Fish Department officials remind hunters of the options for getting animals tested for chronic wasting disease.Hunters can drop off heads at any of the following locations:• Bismarck – North Dakota…
August 29, 2023

Passion for Medicine Runs Through Three Generations

Trinity Health release MINOT—As one of only two vitreoretinal surgeons in western North Dakota, Robert Gokey, MD, understands that a significant part of his job is showing up in critical situations to perform a surgical intervention when a person’s eyesight is on the line. Thanks to exceptional training and a…
August 29, 2023

Kleen Joins City as Communication and Engagement Manager

City of Minot release Jennifer Kleen has accepted the position of Communication and EngagementManager for the City of Minot.Kleen has 13 years of experience in marketing and media and will join the PublicInformation Office in a leadership role in late September.“Jennifer will be a great addition to the City of…
August 28, 2023

ND Game and Fish News

Upland, Youth Pheasant Seasons on the Horizon With September in our sights, hunting seasons for upland game in North Dakota open soon. The season opens for sharp-tailed grouse, Hungarian partridge and ruffed grouse on Sept. 9. Following that, the two-day youth pheasant season for legally licensed residents and nonresidents ages…
August 28, 2023

Odds Rising for Warm Winter 

Latest Long-Range Weather Outlook from CPC  What the weatherman has in store for the winter months is always of interest to North Dakotans, who often have a “we’ll see about that” response to long-range weather outlooks.  Nevertheless, indicators continue to favor a warmer than usual winter season for Minot and…
August 24, 2023

Dot’s Pretzels to Close in Velva 

Final Day October 27  MINOT – The Dot’s Pretzel facility in Velva will be shutting down, affecting 27 current employees.  The Hershey Company, which made a November 2021 purchase of Dot’s Pretzels, made the announcement with the note that Dot’s Pretzels is the fastest growing pretzel brand in the U.S. …
August 22, 2023

Perfecto and the Chicken 

A Slice of Life Sometimes deep, dark secrets in a person’s past silently chew on them enough to force a confession, rather than continuing to “bottle up” a troubled and agonizing truth.   What follows, dear reader, is written with the belief that revealing a long-held secret that has tormented me…
August 20, 2023

ND Game and Fish News 

RAP Auction Scheduled  Confiscated hunting, fishing and trapping equipment will be sold Aug. 19 at the North Dakota Wildlife Federation’s Report All Poachers auction in Bismarck. The auction is scheduled for 11 a.m. at Schaumberg Arena.  Doors open at 10 a.m. Items include more than 60 firearms, fishing equipment, bows,…
August 14, 2023

Ward County Drought Conditions 

Slight Improvement Statewide  Ward County remains among the areas of the state where drought conditions are present. However, statewide, conditions have improved slightly according to the Drought Monitor’s weekly assessment.  “Recent beneficial precipitation resulted in improving conditions across parts of the Dakotas and Wyoming. Short-term drought expanded across northeast North…
August 10, 2023

Big Developments in Minot with Mark Lyman

Mark Lyman sits down with The Dakotan to talk about some of the new things in Minot like the North High School, the Magic City Discovery Center, and potential for other new developments
August 4, 2023

New on South Broadway 

Businesses Preparing to Open  MINOT – Two highly visible renovation projects on South Broadway have captured the attention of motorists on the city’s busiest roadway, causing many to wonder what’s in store for those locations.  The old Tractor Supply Company store, originally a Red Owl grocery, located on the opposite…
August 3, 2023

Credit Union to Open at Hospital 

Trinity Health release  MINOT—Patients, visitors and employees at Trinity Health’s new Healthcare Campus and Medical District will soon have the option of managing their financial health as they simultaneously tend to their physical well-being.  Town & Country Credit Union and Trinity Health have announced a partnership that will result in…
August 1, 2023

Danger for People, Livestock, Pets 

Harmful Bacteria Strikes More ND Lakes  BISMARCK – The number of lakes in North Dakota showing evidence of harmful algae blooms is on the rise. Currently the state’s Department of Environmental Quality has posted Water Advisories for 13 lakes, a Water Warning for another, with the likelihood of more being…
July 28, 2023

Seasonal Weather Through Fall 

El Nino Influence to Follow  All signs point to warmer winter, with less than usual snowfall, for the Minot area and all of North Dakota. That the prognostication of the forecasters at the Climate Prediction Center.  Once a month the CPC issues their latest seasonal weather outlooks. While long-range weather…
July 27, 2023

Warm Start to Week 

Storms Possible Tuesday  The National Weather service says North Dakota, particularly the western half of the state, can expect temperatures Monday ranging from the upper 80s to upper 90s. The warm temperatures are expected to continue through mid-week.  With the heat comes an increased chance of thunderstorms, with the greatest…
July 24, 2023

Pronghorn Licenses Cut, Season Set

ND Game and Fish Apply Online North Dakota’s 2023 pronghorn hunting season is set, with 420 licenses available in eight units. Bruce Stillings, big game management supervisor for the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, said license numbers are down significantly from last year, when the department allocated 1,970 licenses…
July 24, 2023

Drought Creep in State 

Forecast Heating Up  MINOT – Drought conditions worsened slightly across much of North Dakota from a week ago. That’s according to thye weekly release of the U.S. Drought Monitor.  While increasingly dry conditions in the state are not unusual at this time of year, it is an indicator closely watched…
July 20, 2023

El Nino Expected 

Advisory Issued  The Climate Prediction Center concludes that “El Nino conditions are present and expected to gradually strengthen into the Northern Hemisphere winter 2023-24.”  El Nino is, basically, a warming of equatorial sea surface temperatures across the east-central and eastern Pacific Ocean for an extended period of time. With those…
July 7, 2023

Favorable Holiday Weather  

Hot Weekend, Pleasant 4th of July  BISMARCK – The weather should be more than agreeable this weekend and through the Fourth of July holiday, especially for the northern half of the state.  Ken Simosko, National Weather Service meteorologist in Bismarck, summed up the weekend and holiday weather outlook for the…
June 30, 2023

New Opportunities at New High School  

CDL, Childcare Learning, Community Facility  MINOT – The “other building” at the city’s new Sentinel High School will offer some unique learning opportunities for students and the community.  Construction continues on the former Cognizant building, which was gifted to Minot Public Schools and, following a bond issue approved by voters,…
June 26, 2023

Pheasant Crowing Counts Up

ND Game and Fish Department The number of roosters heard crowing during the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s 2023 spring pheasant crowing count survey was up 30% statewide from last year. “We documented increased production for most of the state during 2022 brood routes compared to the last couple…
June 22, 2023

Forecast Favors Normal Weather for ND 

July Through September Outlook  Long-range weather forecasters are in the business of generalizing weather trends, not the day-to-day temperature, wind, or rainfall forecasts. But darn if they aren’t fairly reliable overall.  The latest 3-month weather outlook issued by the Climate Prediction Center, for July through September, calls for a greater…
June 22, 2023

Minot State names Brekhus as director of alumni engagement

MINOT, N.D. – Minot State University is pleased to announce 2012 graduate Courtenay Brekhus has been named the University’s director of alumni engagement. Brekhus, who earned degrees in athletic training and corporate fitness, has served as a wellness specialist and assistant director for the Minot State Wellness Center for the…
June 19, 2023

Longest Days of the Year 

Daylight Decline Begins Next Week  MINOT – Today starts a six day stretch of the longest days of the year.  Of course, such a statement needs some clarification since all days are 24 hours long, or very close to it. However, the amount of daylight, hours and minutes, changes constantly. …
June 19, 2023

Childcare Issues 

Committee Addresses Daycare Concerns  MINOT – The availability and cost of daycare for children is a growing issue in many areas, Minot and Minot Air Force Base included. Without sufficient and affordable daycare both businesses and communities can encounter difficulties in hiring or attracting people.  “It’s an issue that so…
June 16, 2023

 Deer Application Deadline June 7 

ND Game & Fish  The deadline for submitting applications for the 2023 deer gun season is June 7.  Applicants for regular deer gun, gratis, youth and muzzleloader can apply online through the North Dakota Game and Fish Department’s website at gf.nd.gov.  A general game and habitat license is required when applying.…
June 5, 2023

Memories of Main Street 

A Slice of Life The beginning of the Magic City all started in downtown Minot, the heart of sales and services for a rapidly growing community emerging on the fading frontier.  Of course, over the years there’s been lots of changes. More people. More businesses. More opportunities. Expanded city limits.…
June 4, 2023

Gov. Burgum Vetoes: Health Insurance and Ranked-Choice Bills

This article is part one of a mini-series documenting the seven bills that Governor Burgum vetoed in the 2023 legislative session. For the other articles, click here. House Bill 1416 - “The Health Insurance Bill  Introduced by:   Representative Dwight Kiefert, Representative Karen A. Anderson, Senator Cole Conley, Representative Karen M.…
June 3, 2023

Gov. Burgum Vetoes: 7 Vetoed Bills this Session, here are 2 of them

This article is part one of a mini-series documenting the seven bills that Governor Burgum vetoed in the 2023 legislative session. For the other articles, click here. The ND Legislative session ended at the end of April. It was a historic session with 932 bills and 56 resolutions that were…
June 2, 2023

Sen. Cramer on Debt Spending Bill

Senate Passes Fiscal Responsibility Act WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer, R-ND, member of the Banking Committee, issued the following statement after voting for the bipartisan Fiscal Responsibility Act, a bill to suspend the debt limit until January 1, 2025, while cutting discretionary spending and enacting substantive permitting reforms: “As…
June 2, 2023

Minot Small Business Association Hosts Expo this Weekend

MINOT – This city’s first-ever Small Business Association Expo with be held at the North Dakota State Fairgrounds.  Calum Kinstler, Minot SBA director, has been organizing this event for the past few months to create an opportunity for community engagement with these small businesses.  “The main issue for a business…
May 31, 2023

New Ownership for The Dakotan

The Dakotan is excited to announce that they are undergoing an ownership change.   The Dakotan was started in 2021 by Jay Lundeen, Minot, as a digital media source that creates a hybrid news alternative. Since its inception, it has grown to provide news for Central and Western North Dakota…
May 27, 2023

Sen. Cramer Statement on WOTUS Sackett v. EPA Decision

BISMARCK – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer R-ND, member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, issued the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision in Sackett v. EPA. The ruling, in favor of the plaintiff, narrows the scope of federal regulation over Waters of the United States under the Clean Water Act. …
May 25, 2023

A Center of Shopping  

A Slice of Life The parking lot was full of vehicles. Every available parking space for several blocks in all directions was full too. The crowd was shoulder to shoulder. Parents held tightly to their children. Great excitement in the City of Minot!  Huh?  The year was 1962. The occasion…
May 21, 2023

Low Fire Danger in Ward County 

Burn Restriction still in Place  MINOT – Though the Minot Rural Fire Department placed a burn restriction in Ward County two weeks ago that is set to be in place until November, burn bans will fluctuate, and after large amounts of rain this past weekend in the region, the county…
May 17, 2023

Rain Good and Bad for Farmers 

Help with Drought, Harmful with Mud  MINOT – The couple days of rain this past weekend is both good and bad for farmers, says North Central Research Extension Center’s Cropping Systems Specialist Leo Bortolon. While rain is good for drought relief, too much of it at once can make fields…
May 15, 2023

NDSU Students Create Virtual Downtown Minot

Animated Presentation lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com  FARGO – A lot of what people learn in college is not only in class but also practicing the job themselves, as 16 architecture students at North Dakota State University did creating a virtual model of downtown Minot. Kristi Hanson, an adjunct professor for the students, directed…
May 10, 2023

Zoning Minot and Beyond 

Minot’s Community Development Director  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – Giving a town a nice flow is a difficult job, and part of that job is keeping houses and businesses somewhat separated.  Brian Billingsley has been the community development director in Minot for four years. He previously lived in Caldwell, Idaho as the…
May 7, 2023

Deer Licenses Cut 

Season Set, Apply Online  North Dakota’s 2023 deer season is set, with 53,400 licenses available to hunters, down 10,800 from last year.  In addition, muzzleloader licenses decreased by 146 and restricted youth antlered mule deer licenses by 145.  Residents age 11, 12 and 13 who hold a youth antlerless white-tailed…
May 5, 2023

Carnegie Center to be Improved 

Budget Amendment Likely  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – The Minot Area Council of the Arts received approval from the Minot City Council earlier this week to make improvements to the Carnegie Center building downtown.  MACA took stewardship of the maintenance and scheduling for the Carnegie Center in September of 2021, though the…
May 4, 2023

Burn Restriction in Effect for Ward County 

Moderate Fire Danger  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – The Ward County Commissioners on Tuesday approved a burn declaration for the summer due to dryness.  “It’s not a burn ban, it’s a fire emergency restriction,” said Rex Weltikol, chief of the Minot Rural Fire Department. “I think a lot of people just call…
May 3, 2023

Trinity Health Foundation and Minot Area Community Foundation Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Held

Trinity Health Foundation release Minot Area Community Foundation, along with members of their board and Community Investment Advisors committee, Trinity Health and Trinity Health Foundation representatives recently held a special ribbon cutting ceremony at Trinity Health’s new Healthcare Campus and Medical District. The Minot Area Community Foundation granted $250,000 to…
April 28, 2023

Corporate Ranching Advances

Passes House  PIX—-legis rep thomas ranching bill  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – A bill that seeks to modernize ranching in North Dakota law has made its way through several amendments in a conference committee and passed the full body of the North Dakota State House for a second time Thursday.  House Bill…
April 20, 2023

Raw Milk Bill Passes House Again 

Direct-to-Consumer Sales  BISMARCK – A bill legalizing the direct-to-consumer sales of raw milk passed the North Dakota State House Wednesday for a second time.  House Bill 1515, the “raw milk” bill, originally passed the House. After Senate amendments it was referred to a conference committee.    After slight changes in conference…
April 20, 2023

Wintry Weather Persists 

NWS: Through Friday evening Key Messages   ● Wrap-around snow will bring accumulating snow to most of the area through Friday evening.   ● Gusty winds will create reduced visibility due to snow and blowing snow starting this evening.   ● Gusty winds in the southwest will make travel difficult…
April 20, 2023

Anger Evident at Velva Meeting 

ND Game and Fish Advisory Board  VELVA -- Moments into the meeting it was readily apparent what was on the minds of many – a deer baiting ban enacted by the North Dakota Game and Fish Department and upheld recently by the State Legislature.  At the District 2 Game and Fish…
April 19, 2023

Farmers Union Camp to mark 89th season

JAMESTOWN – In June, North Dakota Farmers Union will embark on its 89th season of Farmers Union Camp. The summer camp program annually draws more than 1,200 farm and city kids from across the state to the shores of Lake Tschida near Elgin and the Jamestown Reservoir, where Farmers Union camp facilities…
April 19, 2023

Winter Storm Mainly NW

National Weather Service Key Messages● Snow, heavy at times, is expected innorthwest and far north central North Dakotathrough tonight, with 6 to 10 inches of snowexpected in the Winter Storm Warning, and 1to 6 inches in the Winter Weather Advisory.● Snow may then be found for much of theNorth Dakota…
April 19, 2023

Judge blocks rules intended to protect nation's waterways 

By SCOTT McFETRIDGE Associated Press  DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A federal judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked a federal rule in 24 states that is intended to protect thousands of small streams, wetlands and other waterways throughout the nation.  U.S. District Judge Daniel L. Hovland in Bismarck, North Dakota, halted…
April 12, 2023

Runoff Underway in North Dakota 

Hydrologic Outlook   National Weather Service Bismarck ND 11:13 AM CDT Tue Apr 11 2023  ...RUNOFF FROM SNOWMELT WAS INCREASING ACROSS WESTERN AND CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA...  Water from melting snow was establishing pathways to the rivers and streams across western and central North Dakota.  Some of the more prominent rivers and streams that were already…
April 11, 2023

Sports Betting Fails Senate 

Lawmakers Debate Regulating Versus Ban  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – A resolution that would have placed a measure on the ballot to allow sports betting failed in the North Dakota State Senate Monday.  House Bill 3002 would have placed a constitutional measure to allow the legislative assembly to authorize sports betting in the…
April 10, 2023

High Temps, Fast Melt 

Minimal Runoff Occurring  MINOT – The snowpack in the Minot area has diminished considerably in the past few days and, with temperatures more June-like than April, the remaining snow should melt quickly.  “What we’ll have for temperatures today, and going forward, is putting a blowtorch on the snowpack,” said Allen…
April 10, 2023

House Votes for Legal Immigration Office 

A Strategy in Helping Workforce Shortages  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House has passed a bill that would create an office of legal immigration, which lawmakers say is one way to help the workforce and retention crisis.  Senate Bill 2142 would appropriate $485,000 to the Department of Commerce…
April 7, 2023

Senate Votes to Close Defined Benefit Plan 

Retirement Options for Future Public Employees  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – A bill to close a traditional pension plan for future public employees passed the North Dakota State Senate Tuesday.  House Bill 1040 would close what’s known as the defined benefit plan on December 31, 2024 for new public employees starting January…
April 5, 2023

Proposed Public Lands Rule Violates the Law 

Sen. Kevin Cramer  BISMARCK – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer R-ND, member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, issued the following statement on the Bureau of Land Management’s proposed Public Lands Rule:   “As we have seen in North Dakota, the Biden administration has a bad habit of violating the law and blatantly asserting…
April 2, 2023

Judge orders US to resume oil, gas leasing in North Dakota 

By TRISHA AHMED Associated Press  A federal judge has ordered the U.S. government to resume oil and gas lease sales on federal lands in North Dakota, even as a legal battle continues over the Biden administration's decision to pause the leasing program two years ago in an effort to combat…
March 29, 2023

Surveyor Permission Fails House 

Tie Vote in Eminent Domain Issue BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House narrowly defeated a bill that would have required surveyors to obtain written consent from landowners before entering their land.  Senate Bill 2251 would have required corporations to obtain written consent from a landowner or a court order…
March 28, 2023

Legislature Pondering Corporate Ranching, Foreign Land Ownership  

Bills Remain in Active Process MINOT – Two bills still working their way through the legislative process, one dealing with corporate ranching and the other with foreign ownership of land within the state, are receiving plenty of attention.  Rep. Jay Fisher, R-Dis. 5, Minot, told a legislative forum in Minot…
March 28, 2023

Minot Area Chamber EDC Celebrates wins, Looks Forward to Future  

2023 Annual Meeting Impact Awards Presented  Minot — The Minot Area Chamber EDC looked back at an eventful 2022 and looked ahead to what’s next at its 2023 Annual Meeting on Monday evening.   North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum delivered a keynote address to the roughly 250 attendees at the…
March 28, 2023

Corporate Livestock Bill Reaches Committee 

ND Senators Hear Testimony  BISMARCK – A bill for the purpose of “authorized livestock farm corporation requirements”, touted by Gov. Doug Burgum in his annual state-of-the-state address, was heard by members of the Senate Agriculture and Veteran’s Affairs Committee Friday.  The bill, dubbed both the Corporate Ranching bill and the…
March 24, 2023

Below Normal Temps Ahead 

Latest 3-month Weather Outlook  MINOT – The always anticipated spring season, which in North Dakota is usually early summer, isn’t expected to be very favorable in our region. That's the crux of the latest 3-month weather outlook issued by the Climate Prediction Center.  According to CPC analysis, the April-May-June temperature…
March 16, 2023

Sen. Cramer, on Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank 

MARCH 15, 2023  WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer, R-ND, member of the Senate Banking Committee, issued the below statement on the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank and subsequent reactions by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation:  “The failures of Silicon Valley Bank…
March 15, 2023

Bringing a Downtown Landmark Back to Life 

Old Masonic Temple on Main Street  MINOT – A historic building on Main Street has changed ownership and planning is underway to restore the building so it will once again be a focal point in the middle of the city.  Currently, the old Masonic Temple shows wear and tear and…
March 13, 2023

Spring Flood Outlook for Souris River 

No Major Flooding Expected  BISMARCK – The National Weather Service issued their latest Spring Flood and Water Resources Outlook for the Souris River basin Thursday. It remains much the same as the March 9 outlook which raised no undue concerns in the basin.  The purpose of the early outlooks, says…
March 9, 2023

Expect a Snowy Week 

Southern North Dakota Targeted Again  MINOT – The National Weather Service is monitoring weather systems that are expected to bring more snow to the state. Early expectations are that the greatest impact will be south of the Minot region.  According to the NWS, “Snow is expected to develop from southwest…
March 6, 2023

Deadline to Remove Fish Houses 

ND Game and Fish News   Anglers are reminded unoccupied fish houses must be removed from all waters beginning March 15.  Fish houses may be used after March 15 if they are removed daily, when not occupied.  In addition, anglers are encouraged to look around and clean up the site if…
March 6, 2023

Here We Snow Again 

Biggest Impact Expected in Southern ND  BISMARCK – A large area of southern North Dakota appears to be in the bullseye as a weather system is expected to bring significant snowfall to the state once again.   The heaviest snowfall, up to 8 inches, is expected from Dickinson to Bismarck,…
March 3, 2023

2023 Conservation Reserve Program Signup 

North Dakota Game and Fish Department  The U.S. Department of Agriculture is accepting applications for its voluntary Conservation Reserve Program. Private landowners can apply at their local USDA Farm Service Agency office through April 7.  Cropland not currently enrolled in CRP may be offered during this general enrollment period. In addition,…
February 27, 2023

Souris River Flood Potential Outlook 

Issued by NWS Bismarck BISMARCK -- The latest Flood Potential Outlook for the Souris River Basin does not contain any significant prospect of a high runoff season. The National Weather Service issued the outlook Thursday, February 23. It covers the period through May 28.  The NWS states, “The flood risks within…
February 23, 2023

Raw Milk Sales Passes House 

lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House passed a bill to allow sales of raw milk directly to consumers.  House Bill 1515 would allow farms to sell raw milk to consumers, though farms would still not be able to sell to wholesalers or retail stores for mass consumption. The…
February 23, 2023

Extreme Cold North, Blizzard Conditions SE 

Hazardous Weather Outlook for Minot Region   IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CST TONIGHT... This Hazardous Weather Outlook is for portions of north central North Dakota, northwest North Dakota, south central North Dakota, and southeast North Dakota. .DAY ONE...Today and Tonight Dangerously cold wind chills through Thursday. See weather.gov/bis for details. .DAYS…
February 21, 2023

Brrrrr! Cold Weather Ahead 

Temperature forecast to plummet next week  MINOT – The Minot region and much of the state has been enjoying several days of moderate weather but, according to weather forecasters, that is all about to come to an end. Rather abruptly too.  The Climate Prediction Center says they expect a significant…
February 16, 2023

Election for Beef Commission Fails House 

Bill to Outline an Election Process    BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House passed a bill Wednesday that provides an election process for members of the North Dakota Beef Commission.  House Bill 1436 would outline an election process for the membership of the North Dakota Beef Commission, so those…
February 9, 2023

US, states weigh farmland restrictions after Chinese balloon 

By MATTHEW BROWN and SAM METZ Associated Press  HARLOWTON, Mont. (AP) — Near the banks of Montana's Musselshell River, cattle rancher Michael Miller saw a large, white orb above the town of Harlowton last week, a day before U.S. officials revealed they were tracking a suspected Chinese spy balloon over…
February 8, 2023

Cigar Bill Detailed by Sponsor 

Seeks to Allow Cigar Bars and Lounges  MINOT – Opponents say the “cigar bill” under consideration at the current session of the ND Legislature is ill advised and goes against the state’s smoke free law enacted by a statewide initiated measure several years ago.  Rep. Dan Ruby, R-Dis 38, Minot,…
February 6, 2023

Senate Leader Addresses Livestock Bill, Property Tax Relief 

Sen. David Hogue, R-Dis. 38, Minot, Majority Leader  MINOT – A bill being scrutinized during the current session of the North Dakota legislature seeks to encourage large scale livestock and poultry operations in the state. Sen. David Hogue, R-Dis. 38, Minot, and Senate majority leader, explained the essence of HB…
February 4, 2023

Air Force opposes Chinese-owned corn plant for North Dakota 

By STEVE KARNOWSKI Associated Press  The U.S. Air Force has told North Dakota leaders that it believes a Chinese company's plans to build a wet corn milling plant near its Grand Forks base poses a "significant threat to national security," prompting city officials to say they'll move to stop a…
February 2, 2023

Latest 3-month Weather Outlook 

Below-normal temps, above-normal precipitation  MINOT – Sheesh.   Oh well. North Dakotans are used to it anyway.  The latest 3-month weather outlook issued by the Climate Prediction Center calls for below-normal temperatures and above-normal precipitation for the Minot area. The long-range outlook was released Thursday morning.  Here’s the gist of…
January 19, 2023

Sen. Cramer Reacts to WOTUS  

WOTUS Definition Published in the Federal Register  BISMARCK – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer, R-ND, member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, issued the following statement on the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers publishing a new definition of Waters of the United States (WOTUS) in…
January 18, 2023

Large Increase for Agricultural Land Tax

2023 Ward County Valuations lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com  MINOT – Farmers will see an increase in their taxes of almost seven percent due to the County Commissioners’ vote Tuesday. Noreen Barton, director of tax equalization, said she is required by the North Dakota Century Code to certify to the Commissioners each year the…
January 17, 2023

Deer Baiting to be Debated at Legislature 

Hearing Set, Large Turnout Expected  Several bills pertaining to the outdoors and outdoor activities are presented at each session of the North Dakota legislature. Perhaps the most watched bill by the state’s sportsmen in the current legislative session is HB 1151, a bill to take the ability to ban baiting…
January 13, 2023

S&P 500 closes out dismal year  

Worst loss since 2008  By DAMIAN J. TROISE and ALEX VEIGA AP Business Writers  Wall Street capped a quiet day of trading with more losses Friday, as it closed the book on the worst year for the S&P 500 since 2008.  The benchmark index finished with a loss of 19.4%…
December 31, 2022

Minot Businesses Look to New Year 

Look Back to Old, Look Forward to New  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – The New Year can be a fresh start for many things, and one of those is business.  Some businesses in Minot told The Dakotan what they experienced in the 2022 and what they’re looking forward to in 2023.  Two…
December 30, 2022

Minot Businesses After Christmas

Locals Still Shopping lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com  MINOT – Christmas season usually provides good sales for many local businesses. Some of those businesses at the mall and downtown spoke of how Christmas sales went, as well as how it’s going this week now that Christmas is over. Jennifer Ahmann, manager of Chico’s at…
December 27, 2022

Credit Union Helps Domestic Violence Crisis Center 

Aspire Participates in Twice Blessed  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – Businesses around town have been participating in a campaign that helps those in need.  The campaign, the Twice Blessed giving program, is put on by St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation who will match businesses’ donations to several charities by the end of 2022. …
December 26, 2022

Snowpack Eases Dry Conditions 

Early Glance at Spring Runoff  MINOT – You curse it, shovel it, get stuck in it, but there is some good in that snow on the ground – believe it or not.   “For the time being, I’ll take all the snow we can get.” said Allen Schlag, National Weather Service…
December 22, 2022

Minot Tourism Faring Well 

Update on Visit Minot lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – Numbers according to Visit Minot seem to be faring well as far as tourism and economic impact this year.  Stephanie Schoenrock, Visit Minot’s executive director, said at Monday’s city council meeting that she tries to be conservative when estimating the dollars that come…
December 21, 2022

Winter Storm Decends on State 

Key Messages from the National Weather Service  ➔ Periods of freezing drizzle or accumulating freezing rain are expected  ➔ Periods of snow, heavy at times, through Thursday   ➔ Widespread snow accumulations of 6 to 12 inches are forecast   ➔ Gusty winds will cause periods of blowing and drifting…
December 12, 2022

Gov. Burgum unveils record $18.4B proposed state budget 

By JAMES MacPHERSON Associated Press  BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum on Wednesday unveiled a proposed $18.4 billion budget that increases state spending by more than 3% and includes $3 billion in infrastructure funding, and increases workforce development funding and public employee salaries.  The second-term Republican governor's…
December 7, 2022

Construction in the City 

Several projects underway  MINOT – Several construction projects in this city remain in progress despite winter weather. All are in various stages of completion. Let’s take a look at some of them. 
December 6, 2022

North Dakota Game & Fish News 

Darkhouse Spearfishing Registration  Individuals required to possess a valid fishing license (age 16 and older) to darkhouse spearfish must first register online at the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website, gf.nd.gov.  Northern pike and nongame fish are legal statewide, while walleye can be speared at only Stump Lake and the…
December 5, 2022

Gov. Burgum, North Dakota tribes sign gambling compacts 

By JAMES MacPHERSON Associated Press  BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Gov. Doug Burgum announced Friday that he has signed agreements with North Dakota's American Indian tribes that lowers the legal gambling age from 21 to 19 at tribal-owned casinos and allows gamblers on reservations to use credit or debit cards to…
December 3, 2022

Sportsmen Voice Concerns at Stanley Meeting 

Issues include elk licenses, electronic posting  STANLEY – A complaint about electronic posting opened the public comment portion of a North Dakota Game and Fish Advisory Board meeting here Tuesday.   In his opening remarks, Jeb Williams, NDGF director, talked about the state’s electronic posting law that went into effect…
December 2, 2022

Sen. Cramer on Possible Rail Strike 

ND Republican’s clear message  “Congress’s role is not to help negotiate a rail settlement, it’s to approve one. You don’t need 535 arbiters negotiating the details of a labor agreement. At the end of the day, averting a shutdown of service and a full-blown economic crisis is critical. As important…
November 30, 2022

New Skating Rink Downtown 

Citizens Alley ice rink  MINOT – It's a first for downtown – a skating rink in the heart of the city. The rink is expected to add to the downtown shopping experience during the holiday season and is lit with a holiday lighting theme for skating after dark. The rink…
November 28, 2022

Bird flu prompts slaughter of 1.8M chickens in Nebraska 

By JOSH FUNK AP Business Writer  OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Nebraska agriculture officials say another 1.8 million chickens must be killed after bird flu was found on a farm in the latest sign that the outbreak that has already prompted the slaughter of more than 50 million birds nationwide continues…
November 28, 2022

More Than Hunting and Fishing 

Tioga NDGF Advisory Board Meeting  kimfundingsland@mydakotan.com Sportsmen gathered at the Tioga Community Center for a North Dakota Game and Fish Department Advisory Board meeting on Monday. (Photo: Kim Fundingsland/The Dakotan)  TIOGA – The North Dakota Game and Fish Department kicked off its fall round of Advisory Board meetings in this…
November 23, 2022

North Dakota-owned oil, gas mineral rights valued at $2.8B 

By JAMES MacPHERSON Associated Press  BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — An estimate of oil and gas mineral rights owned by North Dakota pegs their value at $2.8 billion, an 18% increase from last year, according to an appraisal released Thursday to the state Land Board.  The increase comes largely from strong…
November 17, 2022

Winter outlook: Cold, Snowy 

Latest forecast from the Climate Prediction Center  MINOT – Well, cripes, any chances of a warm, dry winter are heavily refuted by the latest long-range weather outlooks issued by the Climate Prediction Center. All indications favor colder than usual temperatures for North Dakota through February 2023. Look for more than…
November 17, 2022

Memorable Snowfall Totals 

Minot sets record  MINOT – It was a nasty way to get the winter underway, one of the deepest November 10 snowfalls on record in many places in the state. Minot’s official dump was a record for the date at 7.3 inches. The previous mark was 4.2 inches in 2012. …
November 11, 2022

And Snow It Begins 

Fall turned into winter  MINOT – Winter made a rather rude arrival Thursday, bursting through the front door with a vengeance – heavy snowfall and high winds combined. The strong storm resulted in the usual school closings or shortened hours and the like, and, of course, made travel difficult in the…
November 10, 2022

Sen. Cramer Sounds Off on Biden’s Energy Policy 

Views on Possible Senate Majority  News release: BISMARCK – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer, R-ND, member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss President Joe Biden’s recent calls for a windfall tax on energy companies. He also discussed a strategy to increase…
November 3, 2022

Drought Creeping In 

Flash drought conditions  MINOT – What the U.S. Drought Monitor refers to as “flash drought” conditions have crept into much of North Dakota in the past week. The Drought Monitor is issued each Thursday.  A flash drought is defined as the opposite of flash, or sudden, rainfall or flood. It…
November 3, 2022

Burgum rejects tribes' plea for online gambling rights 

Legal gambling age lowered  By JAMES MacPHERSON Associated Press  BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Gov. Doug Burgum has rejected a plea by North Dakota's American Indian tribes to give them exclusive rights to host internet gambling and sports betting because it isn't allowed under state law, his spokesman said Wednesday.  But…
November 2, 2022

One Million Highly Contagious Chickens 

Bird Flu Infects Iowa Egg Farm   By DAVID PITT Associated Press  DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Iowa agriculture officials said Monday that another commercial egg farm in the state has been infected with bird flu, the first commercial farm case identified since April, when a turkey farm was infected. …
November 1, 2022

North Dakota Targeted by Beef Thieves 

Feds: Theft of frozen beef in Nebraska uncovers crime ring  LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — An investigation into the theft this summer of several semitrailers loaded with frozen beef from Nebraska has led to arrests and uncovered a multimillion-dollar theft ring targeting meatpacking plants in six Midwestern states, federal authorities said. …
October 26, 2022

Fatal Crash Near Steele 

Two-Vehicles Involved  What: Fatality Crash  Where: I-94 MM 201, 1 mile east of Steele  When: 10/20/22 at 9:00 p.m.   Road Conditions: Normal   Weather Conditions: Clear  Crash Involvement: Two Vehicles  Type of Crash: Rear-end  Agencies Involved: NDHP, Kidder County SO, Steele PD, Kidder County Fire, Kidder County  Ambulance, Sanford Air Med …
October 22, 2022

North Dakota farmer detained in Ukraine is back 

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A North Dakota farmer who had been detained in Ukraine since November 2021 on accusations he planned to kill his business partner is back home, the state's two U.S. senators announced Friday.  Kurt Groszhans, from Ashley, North Dakota, has ancestors who are from Ukraine and he…
October 21, 2022

Hoeven: Take the Handcuffs off U.S. Oil & Gas Producers 

Biden administration needs to stop draining the SPR   FARGO, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today issued the following statement after President Biden announced a plan to release an additional 15 million barrels of oil from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve…
October 19, 2022

Stocks fall broadly on Wall Street  

Inflation worries grow  By DAMIAN J. TROISE and ALEX VEIGA AP Business Writers  Stocks are broadly lower on Wall Street in afternoon trading Friday as investors weigh the latest updates on inflation expectations, consumer spending and corporate earnings.  A report showing U.S. consumers raised their expectations for future inflation hurt…
October 14, 2022

Elevator Art 

Massive mural to be painted in Minot MINOT – No question that it’ll be a big attention getter, easily the largest in the city and a huge showpiece for the state. The Union Silos Public Art Project has announced a transformation is in the works for one of this city’s…
October 14, 2022

Taxing Cow Burps and Pee 

New Zealand proposal angers farmers  By NICK PERRY Associated Press  WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealand's government on Tuesday proposed taxing the greenhouse gasses that farm animals make from burping and peeing as part of a plan to tackle climate change.  The government said the farm levy would be…
October 11, 2022

Wall Street's Rally Runs Out of Gas 

Indexes lower  By DAMIAN J. TROISE and ALEX VEIGA AP Business Writers  A wobbly day of trading on Wall Street ended with stocks slightly lower Wednesday as a gangbuster two-day rally ran out of gas.  Stock indexes had been in the red much of the day before briefly shifting into…
October 5, 2022

Russia smuggling Ukrainian grain to help pay for Putin's war 

By MICHAEL BIESECKER, SARAH EL DEEB and BEATRICE DUPUY Associated Press  BEIRUT (AP) — When the bulk cargo ship Laodicea docked in Lebanon last summer, Ukrainian diplomats said the vessel was carrying grain stolen by Russia and urged Lebanese officials to impound the ship.  Moscow called the allegation "false and…
October 3, 2022

No Go for Ag-gag Law 

Federal court finds 3rd Iowa ag-gag law unconstitutional  By DAVID PITT Associated Press  DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A federal judge has struck down the third attempt by the Iowa Legislature to stop animal welfare groups from secretly filming livestock abuse, finding once again that the law passed last year…
September 28, 2022

Stocks Fall on Recession Fears 

Dow slips into bear market  By DAMIAN J. TROISE and ALEX VEIGA AP Business Writers  A broad slide on Wall Street extended the major indexes' losing streak to a fifth day Monday, deepening a steep market slump amid growing fears of a global recession.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell…
September 26, 2022

Bombs Disrupt Critical Ukraine Industry 

Front Line Farming  By ELENA BECATOROS Associated Press  NOVOMYKOLAIVKA, Ukraine (AP) — An unexploded rocket sticks out of a field, and another is embedded in the ground of the farm compound. Workers found a cluster bomb while clearing weeds, and there's a gaping hole in the roof of the shrapnel-scarred…
September 21, 2022

Pork Price-fixing Settlement 

JBS to pay $20 million By JOSH FUNK AP Business Writer  OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — JBS has agreed to pay $20 million to settle a lawsuit with consumers that accused the giant meat producer of conspiring with other meat companies to inflate the price of pork.  The latest meat-industry settlement…
September 20, 2022

Nuisance Tode

Soybean Cyst Nematode Present in North Dakota lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com  MINOT – There seems to always be something that plagues a farmer’s field, and one this year is soybean cyst nematodes. T.J. Prochaska, extension crop protection specialist with the North Central Research Extension Center, said this nematode lives underground and its biggest…
September 15, 2022

Taiwan to Purchase Agriculture Products 

$3.2 Billion Buy to Include Soybeans, Corn, and Wheat  WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven, ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, today joined agriculture representatives from the United States and Taiwan at the signing of letters of intent for Taiwan…
September 14, 2022

Hoppin’ and Killin’

Grasshopper Nuisance lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com  MINOT – Grasshoppers can be a fun catch for little kids, but when they get into the fields, they can be quite a nuisance for farmers. TJ Prochaska, extension crop protection specialist from the North Central Research Center, said the grasshopper population has exploded in the last…
September 13, 2022

Harvest and the prairie skyscraper… 

Upside Down Under  Now that harvest is in full swing, a lot of things come to mind, but there is one thing I doubt many people think about and that is the loss of the old, wooden elevators, sometimes called prairie skyscrapers.  On Sunday, we made a trip to Bismarck…
September 11, 2022

Terrific explosion revisited…

 Upside Down Under  Marvin.baker@mydakotan.com  Some locals in the Carpio area still talk about an explosion on a nearby farm that happened 100 years ago on Aug. 31.  This was no ordinary explosion like you would think. It wasn’t gasoline and it wasn’t spontaneous combustion. This bomb went boom when 500…
September 4, 2022

High Fire Danger Across Montana 

Heat sets in for weekend  GLASGOW, Mont. (AP) — Authorities warned of high wildfire danger across much of Montana Thursday and in coming days as temperatures were forecast to approach the triple digits with heavy winds in some areas.  The start of September will bring heat at near record levels…
September 2, 2022

New Commerce Director

Burgum appoints Teigen to lead state Commerce Department  BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — The head of North Dakota's economic development and finance division at the state Commerce Department has been named to lead the agency.  Gov. Doug Burgum announced Thursday that he has appointed Josh Teigen as Commerce Commissioner, effective Sept.…
September 2, 2022

Minot Interest Rates 

lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com  MINOT – With inflation and all that comes with it, a Minot banker says interest rates are back to normal, saying they have risen from historically low rates. Brock DesLauriers, president of First International Bank and Trust, gave his perspective on interest rates now compared to the past, saying…
September 2, 2022

Deadly bird flu returns to Midwest  

Earlier than expected  By STEVE KARNOWSKI Associated Press  MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Bird flu has returned to the Midwest earlier than authorities expected after a lull of several months, with the highly pathogenic disease being detected in a commercial turkey flock in western Minnesota, officials said Wednesday.  The disease was detected…
August 31, 2022

Montana Bison Grazing

Montana ranchers, officials appeal bison grazing on US land  BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — A ranching group and Republican state officials have asked a federal panel to reverse the Biden administration's approval of bison grazing on U.S. lands in central Montana as part of a vast nature reserve.  Federal officials last…
August 29, 2022

Beware of Bad Beetles

Trapping Invasive Species  Kim.fundingsland@mydakotan.com MINOT – Keeping beetles at bay is one of the reasons for various traps designed to capture the sometimes unwelcome bugs. Three different beetle traps have been in use in the City of Minot this summer.  According to Guy Hanley, Minot Parks entomologist, the black, funnel-type…
August 29, 2022

Burgum Addresses Fufeng Concerns

Burgum statement after North Dakota’s U.S. senators share concerns about proposed corn milling plant   BISMARCK (AUG. 26, 2022) – Gov. Doug Burgum released the following statement after U.S. Sens. John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer shared their concerns with the governor and local leaders related to the proposed Fufeng Group…
August 26, 2022

Europe Drying Up

EU report: Drought-hit Europe could face 3 more dry months  By LORNE COOK Associated Press  BRUSSELS (AP) — Parts of the European Union could face three more months of warmer and drier conditions as Europe weathers a major drought that has fueled forest fires, dried up rivers and devastated crops,…
August 24, 2022

Prairie Health in Mohall

MOHALL -- While the COVID-19 pandemic is now mostly an afterthought in our local rural communities, there is no doubt that the pandemic changed the way many people see the world. For Tiffany Strand and Brandy Moen, this is especially true with the way we were able to care for…
August 19, 2022

Ways to Grow Organic

MINOT – Many people long to grow and eat organically, but it can be very hard to grow organic food.  James Rogers, extension forage crop production specialist at the North Central Research Extension Center, spoke of how organic material in the ground can solve several crop problems.  “I was looking…
August 16, 2022

Enjoy Fresh Garden Peppers

Every year I plant peppers. A lot of peppers. At least six varieties of peppers, two to four plants of each variety. This year it’s Jalapeno and Serrano for salsa and canned peppers, Banana and Hungarian Wax\ for Chili Rellenos and pickled peppers, Paprika and Cayenne for powder, and Death…
August 15, 2022

Solutions to Crop Problems

MINOT — Low pH levels can be a scary situation for crops, but there can be solutions. Ryan Buetow, extension cropping systems specialist at the Dickinson Research Extension Center, spoke of some of those solutions. “When pH drops below five and a half, certain crops are more impacted,” said Buetow.…
August 12, 2022

Landowners seek $275K after ND Law Found not Constitutional

By JAMES MacPHERSON Associated Press BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A landowners group will seek more than $275,000 in lawyers' fees and other costs after North Dakota's Supreme Court found a state law pushed by the energy industry amounted to the unconstitutional taking of private property rights.In a ruling last week,…
August 9, 2022

Last Minot Taxi Service to Close

MINOT – Minot’s only taxicab service, Central Cab Company, announced Thursday on its Facebook page it will be permanently closing August 14 at 4 p.m. The post said lack of business is not the reason for its closure, and that providing a list of the reasons may end up getting…
August 8, 2022

Spray Those Weeds

MINOT – Weeds, weeds, and more weeds. Both big farmers and small gardeners understand this nuisance.  One specific kind of weed, Kochia Scoparia, has taken its toll on many crop fields in North Dakota, according to Brian Jenks, a weed specialist from the North Central Research Extension Center in Minot. …
August 6, 2022

A TOUGH Conundrum

MINOT – Plants can be used for many purposes. One plant, lentils, make for a healthy meal, full of iron and fiber.  Dr. Charlie Lim, NDSU weed specialist from the Williston Research Extension Center, spoke of an herbicide often used for lentils, called TOUGH.  Lim said when it comes to…
August 5, 2022

Supreme Court Win for Landowners

State Supreme Court strikes key portions of 'pore-space' lawBy JAMES MacPHERSON Associated PressBISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — North Dakota's Supreme Court on Thursday struck down key portions of a state law that a landowners group argued amounts to the unconstitutional taking of private property rights.The so-called pore space law passed the…
August 5, 2022

Oil Boosts Infrastructure Fund

By JAMES MacPHERSON Associated Press  BISMARCK (AP) — A major spending initiative aimed at infrastructure projects outside western North Dakota's oil patch is on pace to be fully funded for the first time since the Legislature approved it three years ago, due to strong oil prices and steady production, officials…
August 3, 2022

Climate Deal to Help Farmers Aid the Environment

  By MICHAEL PHILLIS Associated Press  ST. LOUIS (AP) — The climate deal reached last week by Senate Democrats could reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that American farmers produce by expanding programs that help accumulate carbon in soil, fund climate-focused research and lower the abundant methane emissions that come…
August 3, 2022

Rio Grande Drying Up

By BRITTANY PETERSON and SUMAN NAISHADHAM Associated Press  ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — On a recent, scorching afternoon in Albuquerque, off-road vehicles cruised up and down a stretch of dry riverbed where normally the Rio Grande River flows. The drivers weren't thrill-seekers, but biologists hoping to save as many endangered fish…
August 3, 2022

Beef Industry Picnic at State Fair

Nearly 1,400 servicemen and women served The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association, North Dakota Beef Commission and North Dakota Cattle Women joined forces again this year to salute active servicemen and women and their families during the 17th annual Beef Industry Military Appreciation Day July 26 at the North Dakota State…
August 2, 2022

Governor Requests Review of ND Land Purchase

BISMARCK – Gov. Doug Burgum has sent a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin asking that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) conduct an expedited review of Fufeng Group’s recent purchase of land in Grand Forks for a wet…
July 27, 2022

Raising Chickens, Part Two

Raising chickens, how to save money and have fun doing it!
July 25, 2022

Normal Weather for North Dakota, Not U.S.

MINOT – Hot weather of recent days in the Minot region, and across North Dakota, may give way to a more normal range of temperatures in the weeks ahead. Of course, normal weather in this state covers a wide range of possibilities.  Nevertheless, in their latest three-month weather outlook, the…
July 21, 2022

Experts in the Field

MINOT – While some may find the topic of agriculture somewhat complicated, touring the very place where a lot of food originates provides hands-on information and education. North Central Research Extension Center hosted its annual Field Day, where people from all over the state came to tour its fields and…
July 20, 2022

Antler Outlaws

ANTLER -- Way up by the Canadian border, in Bottineau County, is this little town. Fields of crops line the highway, trees are abundant, and rodeo action was alive this past weekend, July 16-17. The Antler Outlaws and Rough Rider Rodeo Association hosted their 3rd Annual rodeo together. The Antler…
July 19, 2022

Chickens-Key to Self-Reliance

Even though I've had chickens for eight years, I've never recommended raising chickens as a part of prepping or self-reliance, until now. Today's food prices are increasing at nearly three times the rate of wage increases. Recent avian flu outbreaks have triggered the destruction of millions of chickens. The result…
July 18, 2022

Boy's Baseball Brings Big Money

MINOT — Merchants in Minot are preparing for a positive economic bump. This weekend a baseball tournament is projected to bring in half a million dollars for Minot businesses. The 2022 12U Cal Ripken State Tournament is scheduled for this weekend, July 14-17, where 12 teams of 12-year-old and under…
July 15, 2022

If These Grandstands Could Talk

“If these grandstands could talk, 75 years of great competitors and exciting stock have performed at the annual Wing Rodeo.  It takes an entire community to put on an event like this. Here we are in the heart of ag country, and it shows,” said Melanie Hertz, 20-year Wing Horse…
July 12, 2022

Gates' Land Buy Legal

MINOT – The recently approved sale of 2,100 acres of North Dakota farmland to Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and the fourth richest man in the world, has drawn some ire in the state but no legal opposition.  Sen. Joan Heckaman, R-Dis. 23 and Senate Minority Leader, New Rockford, said…
July 7, 2022

Bill Gates and China Concerns

MINOT – Concerns were raised to North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring over billionaire Bill Gates and a China-based company buying farmland in North Dakota. At the Golden K Kiwanis Club meeting Wednesday, Clayton Guffey, president of the Minot Kiwanis Club and Richard Sabol, club member, raised concerns over Fufeng…
July 6, 2022

For the Farmer: Technology and the Crazy Spring of '22

This spring presented a complete array of challenges for farmers. Often when weather conditions shorten the timeline for adequate spring’s work, a farmer has to decide what stays and what goes. However, technology has helped to make things easier for farmers when the going gets tough. Farmers Edge is a…
June 28, 2022

ND High School Rodeo: Providing a future in rodeo, life

BOWMAN — Once again, high school rodeo competitors from all over the state battled the elements of tough competition and weather at the North Dakota State High School Finals held June 9-12 in Bowman. The top four finalists after state finals in each event will go on to represent North…
June 15, 2022

For the Farmer: Use Your Facebook Powers for Good, Not Evil

I’m going to complain about social media, but don’t get me wrong.  There is a lot of good that comes from social media.  First and foremost: prayers.  The good old church prayer list can be effective, but Facebook can be even more effective.  In real time.  Instantaneous prayer requests.  Right…
June 14, 2022

Bull & Bronc Riders Saddled Up in St. Anthony

ST. ANTHONY — Elite bull and bronc riders came from afar for a chance to compete, and Mosbrucker Rodeo bulls and broncs performed at top levels at the 2nd Annual Rusty’s Saloon Bulls & Broncs event on June 4th in St. Anthony. The bull riding purse was $7,500, and there…
June 7, 2022

For the Farmer: The Finish Line

You are almost there. You can see the end. It has been a late spring. It has been a condensed timeframe this spring. It has been the most stressful spring’s work season you can ever remember. However, just like in any race, keep your eye on the finish line, keep…
June 7, 2022

Horse Expo Arrives Galloping, Leaves Crowds Enlightened

MINOT — The North Dakota Horse Expo came in at a gallop and left crowds in the dust, amidst a star-studded lineup. Clinicians, demos, competitions, and horse-focused, jaw-dropping shows featuring skilled and entertaining horsemen, horsewoman, and their cast of equine partners filled the North Dakota State Fairgrounds June 3-5. Featured…
June 6, 2022

ND Leadership Breaks Ground on New Soybean Crushing Plant

JAMESTOWN — Gov. Doug Burgum, R-ND, Lt. Gov. Brent Sanford, an Sen. John Hoeven, R-ND, joined officials from ADM and Marathon Petroleum Corp. (MPC) at the Spiritwood Energy Park to help break ground Thursday on the Green Bison Soy Processing plant, North Dakota’s first dedicated soybean processing plant, highlighting the…
June 3, 2022

4-H Qualifying Horse Show & Open Horse Show

PARSHALL — The Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College (NHSC) sponsored a 4-H qualifying horse show in collaboration with the NDSU Extension Agency on Ft. Berthold Indian Reservation. “Horses help youth build lifelong leadership and relational skills. Their experiences with horses help them be successful in school and throughout their lives,” said…
June 2, 2022

Burgum Joins Bitzero Officials to Announce North Dakota as Site of Company’s North American Headquarters

FARGO — Governor Doug Burgum along with Bitzero Strategic Investor Kevin O’Leary, Bitzero CEO Akbar Shamji, and Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara (MHA) Nation Chairman Mark Fox today announced North Dakota as Bitzero’s headquarters and hub for all North American operations. North Dakota emerged as the logical choice for Bitzero due to…
June 1, 2022

For the Farmer: Industry Update

While it is hard to focus on anything but the remainder of spring’s work and just trying to get through one day and on to the next, it is important to keep your eye on the next few months.  Thinking ahead about the crop you are putting in the ground…
May 31, 2022

SRT Distributes Nearly $2.4 Million in Capital Credits to its Members

MINOT — SRT Communications is pleased to announce the distribution of nearly $2.4 million in credits back to its members. In a decision made by SRT’s Board of Directors, the cooperative will be issuing checks that include a portion of the 2000 allocation and a portion of the 2021 allocation.…
May 27, 2022

ND Delegation Leads Effort to Address Impact of Excess Moisture, Help Ensure Affordable Food Supply

WASHINGTON, D.C. — North Dakotan's Congressional Delegation of Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) and Representative Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.), along with Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) this week led a bipartisan, bicameral effort urging U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack to provide support and certainty to producers facing…
May 26, 2022

Enhancing Dakota Square

MINOT — Two very visible additions are underway at Dakota Square Mall. One is nearing completion while the other is in its early stages. The Target store at the northwest corner of Dakota Square has begun a major makeover and expansion. Presently dirt work is being done on two sides…
May 25, 2022

Senator Reviews Details of Phase One Row Crop Disaster Assistance with Local Producers

FARGO — Senator John Hoeven today held a roundtable discussion with local agriculture producers and commodity groups to review the details for phase one of the Emergency Relief Program (ERP). The program is funded using the $9.25 billion in row crop disaster assistance that Hoeven secured in September. Hoeven was…
May 20, 2022

Strong Winds Didn’t Slow Down High School Rodeo Competitors

BISMARCK — The strong winds this past weekend did not slow down the National High School Rodeo Association (NHSRA) competitors. “Being a part of the NHSRA, the world’s largest rodeo association is special. I compete in the tie-down, steer wrestling & team roping. Each event is unique down to the…
May 18, 2022

For the Farmer: I Will Pray for Rain, but....

In our neck of the woods, the farm weather has been terrible since, I don’t know, 1999. If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes they say. Farmers have been waiting longer than that and the tables have not turned. Sure, the weather changed in 5 minutes just like…
May 17, 2022

Crop Disaster Assistance Signup to Begin in Late May, Assistance to Start in June

USDA to Begin Sending Pre-Filled Applications Based on Existing Crop Insurance Data to Producers WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator John Hoeven, ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, today announced that signup will begin in May for the $9.25 billion in…
May 16, 2022

Magic City Hoagies Moves Downtown

MINOT — Magic City Hoagies has revamped its look with a move downtown. Minot's local sandwich shop celebrated its move this week with a grand opening at its new location at 123 South Main Street. “This building spoke to me when we first moved here, we were living downtown. When…
May 12, 2022

For the Farmer: Spring Update

As of now, the farmers are all getting busy with their own final preparations for spring seeding. However, they are all wondering, “What’s everyone else doing? Is anybody going yet?” From high atop the agronomy perch here in Mohall, the answer is that there have been a few acres planted,…
May 10, 2022

Burgum Roundtable

MINOT — Friday was a busy day for Governor Burgum and his staff. Their trip to Minot started with the ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of Phase Ml-1 of the Souris River Flood Protection Project. Then it was off to a quick lunch with Senator John Hoeven and other dignitaries,…
May 7, 2022

Hoeven Presses Ag Secretary to Ensure LIP Reflects Market Rates, Send Disaster Assistance

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator John Hoeven this week pressed U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack to: Ensure the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) national payment rates reflect actual market rates and covers losses due to eligible diseases. This follows a roundtable discussion that Hoeven held with North Dakota livestock…
May 5, 2022

JunkAholics at It Again

MINOT — The Granville JunkAholics are at it again with their 11th annual JunkLover Vintage Market! Also known as the junk sale, the JunkLover Vintage Market is an event every spring, the first Saturday of May, which sells refurbished “junk” at the North Dakota State Fairgrounds. The JunkAholics also host…
May 5, 2022

For the Farmer: "Dear Farmer... Love, your Ag Retailer"

Spring snow has delayed the planting season.  However, there is still a lot of time to get things dried out and get a crop in the ground.  No need to worry.  Farmers now have plenty of questions about availability of earlier day corn (spoiler alert, there is not any), the…
May 3, 2022

Hoeven Working to Advance Cattle Contract Library Implementation, Improve Price Transparency, Market Competition

Senator introduces ND Rancher Shelly Ziesch at Senate Agriculture Committee Hearing WASHINGTON, D.C. — At a hearing of the Senate Agriculture Committee this week, U.S. Senator John Hoeven urged Bruce Summers, Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), to implement the cattle contract library pilot program as soon as possible,…
April 27, 2022

North Dakota Stockmen’s Association and Foundation to Provide Blizzard Aid, Launch Disaster Relief Fund

The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) and North Dakota Stockmen’s Foundation (NDSF) have teamed up to support the state’s cattle ranchers who suffered significant impacts in back-to-back storms this month. First, the record-breaking statewide Blizzard Haley dumped more than 40 inches of snow in some areas and coupled it with…
April 26, 2022

For the Farmer: The Urban/Rural Divide

Not very long ago, the former Governor of Indiana, Mitch Daniels, wrote an opinion piece that appeared in the Washington Post called “In Farm Children, I See Virtues That One Sees Too Rarely These Days.”  In this article, he made note of the increasing divide between the urban and rural…
April 26, 2022

USDA Awards $600k to NDSU for Animal Nutrition, Reproductive Research

BISMARCK — U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) announced today the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) awarded North Dakota State University (NDSU) two grants totaling $600,000 to promote innovative work in nutrition and reproduction of beef cattle. $300,000 to study the impacts of providing…
April 21, 2022

For the Farmer: How to Fire Someone 101

How to Fire Somebody: A Farmer’s Guide There is a bunch of positive career development stuff on social media about how to be successful beyond your wildest dreams; how to thrive in the workplace; how to be the best salesperson; how to motivate others; how to inspire, lead and mentor.…
April 19, 2022

For the Farmer: Current Events and Your Farm in 2023

Yes, that’s right. That’s not a typo. 2023. Farmers have a lot of questions about what will happen to commodity prices and crop input prices for 2023 given that 2020-2022 has been such a roller coaster ride. The following is some very early speculation about what to expect for 2023.…
April 12, 2022

Cassidy Hjelmstad

SRT Positioned for the Future MINOT — Cassidy Hjelmstad would be the first to tell you that the SRT she joined in September of 2010 was a much different company that SRT 2022. “I look back, and I am thankful that I was able to get a job with a…
April 10, 2022

Employers, Job Seekers Meet at Job Fair

MINOT — For people looking for either a job or employees, the North Central ND Spring Job Fair was the place to be on Wednesday. Job Service North Dakota along with Minot Area Chamber EDC hosted the job fair. Susan Ogurek, the workforce center manager for Job Service ND said…
April 6, 2022

For the Farmer: Family Farm Commo

Two-way radios. Business-band radios. Cell phones. CB radios. Texting. Hand-and-arm signals when backing up the tractor to the planter. How do you talk to each other on the farm? Ok, not that communication. Good old-fashioned talking to each other on the farm communication. Families that farm together, that run the…
April 5, 2022

North Dakota Stockmen’s Association Fills Brand Inspection, Recording Positions

BISMARCK — The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) has made three recent hirings in its brand inspection and brand recording programs, NDSA Brand Board Chairman Shane Anderson, a rancher from Towner, N.D., announced this week. Clint Hecker of Arnegard, N.D., was hired as the NDSA’s at-large deputy brand inspector. His…
April 4, 2022

Landowner Easement Rights Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Kevin Cramer and John Hoeven, introduced the Landowner Easement Rights Act with Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD). This bill will prohibit the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) from entering into a conservation easement with a term of more than 50 years. It…
April 4, 2022

Riding into Minot

MINOT — “Rodeo Minot is an awesome opportunity to keep rodeo and performance horse jackpots alive during the winter. This event keeps it local and keeps our industry thriving,” Kalsey Kronberg, roping announcer/secretary from Keene stated. Korral Supply hosted its 2nd Annual ‘Shootout’ Open Ladies Breakaway Roping and Team Roping…
April 4, 2022

Livestock Disaster Assistance Payments to Producers Start Next Week

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator John Hoeven today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will begin sending livestock disaster assistance payments next week. USDA today released details on phase one of the Emergency Livestock Relief Program (ELRP), which is funded from the $750 million that Hoeven secured in September…
March 31, 2022

For the Farmer: “The Road Greater”

It is March Madness! What do basketball referees and County Motor Grader Operators have in common? They are both out there going back and forth and have lots of angry people criticizing the job they are doing. There is nobody pulling them aside to say “Hey, splendid work! We are…
March 29, 2022

Scheels Set to Open in New Location in July

MINOT — Scheels in Minot is getting ready to open in a new area of the Dakota Square Mall. Scheels will be completely moving as opposed to expanding, as the two spots the store currently resides in will be empty when it moves. Veronica Corey, with the Scheels social media,…
March 23, 2022

For the Farmer: Industry Update

Current Events By now, everyone knows the direct effects of the war in Ukraine on our agricultural way of life here in rural North Dakota.  The war is an unfortunate situation for the people of Ukraine.  Imagine yourself in their shoes. I pray for God to be near to them…
March 22, 2022

Carbon Capture Pipeline: The Taxpayer's Side

The Summit Carbon Solutions (SCS) carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) project, slated to create 2000 miles of pipeline, is projected to cost $4.5 billion. With so much opposition from landowners and environmentalists, some may be surprised at how quickly the project is projected to move forward. Vice President of…
March 16, 2022

Back Talk: SoftWave Technology Gaining Recognition

MINOT — Cornerstone Chiropractic has a new form of treatment for patients, SoftWave, that uses sound waves to stimulate blood flow and bring healing stem cells to areas that have been the source of chronic pain. The SoftWave unit is the first of its kind in the Minot area. Getting…
March 15, 2022

For the Farmer: The Finest American Crop

My dad wrote this for the Minot, North Dakota Rotary Club newsletter – “The Prairie Flower.” It was March 18th, 1999. 23 years ago, almost to the day. It provides a neat historical perspective on how far farming has advanced, how it is still much the same, and what is…
March 15, 2022

ND Delegation: DOT Orders Skywest to Fulfill EAS Contract, Continue Serving Jamestown & Devils Lake

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senators John Hoeven and Kevin Cramer and Congressman Kelly Armstrong issued the following statement after the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued an order requiring that SkyWest Airlines continue the level of service required under its Essential Air Service (EAS) contracts, including in Jamestown and Devils Lake,…
March 14, 2022

Rodeo Minot: Success Comes from Behind the Chutes

For ten days in April, All Seasons Arena in Minot trades in ice for dirt. The dust, the mud, the broncs, and the bulls show up April 1-10, bringing action-packed rodeos and performance horse events including: equine clinics, team roping and the fastest horses in the region attending the ‘High…
March 13, 2022

Group Revitalizing Mohall's Main Street

MOHALL — Every small-town area resident would like to see the successful revitalization of Main Street.  As time marches on, parts of our rural towns slowly fade away. There are abandoned buildings on main street that are now empty and left only as the subject of stories told to the youngest…
March 11, 2022

Bones BBQ a Family Tradition

From Father to Son MINOT — It’s right in the wheelhouse of a tire guy. No arguing that. Jerome Lundeen, founder of flavor favorite Bones Barbeque Smokehouse and Grill, has handed the reins to his son, Jarid, owner of Tires Plus. Huh? What does a tire guy know about the…
March 9, 2022

Carbon Capture Pipeline: The Environmentalists' Side

The carbon capture pipeline that Summit Carbon Solutions plans to build across five Midwest states  seems on its face to be an environmentalist's dream come true. It promises to capture and store millions of tons of carbon dioxide — a major component of greenhouse gases. When it first begins operation,…
March 8, 2022

For the Farmer: What’s in your water?

In the realm of making improvements to your farming practices, there are certain topics that you read about all the time. For example: what the newest and greatest herbicides are this year, what seed traits are the best fit for your acres, new planting equipment technology, and software you should…
March 8, 2022

Carbon Capture Pipeline: The Farmer's Side of the Story

By all accounts the proposed carbon capture pipeline that Summit Carbon Solutions plans to build through five states (North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Iowa) will have a positive impact on North Dakota's economy, agriculture, and the environment. It promises to create more than 14,000 construction jobs in the…
March 4, 2022

Carbon Capture Project Comes to North Dakota

CASSELTON — Governor Doug Burgum held a joint press conference today in Casselton with other industry leaders to announce a strategic investment plan for a carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) project. Summit Carbon Solutions of Iowa plans to build a 2000 mile long pipeline with 325 miles of pipeline…
March 2, 2022

Vision Zero Teams Up with Local Businesses

Click It for Coffee to encourage safe driving MINOT — Vision Zero announced during the Ward County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, that it will be partnering with local businesses this year to reduce distractive driving. Vision Zero is a North Dakota Department of Transportation strategy aimed at preventing fatalities and…
March 2, 2022

For the Farmer: False Motivation

The definition of “False Motivation” is buying into the illusion that you're content with someone or something in hopes that eventually you really will be. In the realm of business career advice, I’ve heard the phrase, “If you don’t like what you are doing, then find something else. Life is…
March 1, 2022

The Tracks Development Coming to Minot

MINOT — EPIC Companies plans to build its largest mixed-use development project called The Tracks here in Minot, filled with commercial spaces and residencies, across from the new Trinity Hospital. EPIC, a real estate investing and development company in Fargo, has already completed some projects in Minot such as Beaver…
February 25, 2022

For the Farmer: ND Farm Bureau President responds to allegations and explains what the Farm Bureau is doing to close the urban-rural divide

If you are a farmer and you have not seen the recent New York Times Opinion online videos demonizing farmers, then your blood pressure is likely still at a reasonable level. If you have seen them, and you work in agriculture like I do, your blood pressure is probably through…
February 22, 2022

For the Farmer: Roundup Force Majeure

You know how the White House Press Secretary’s office sometimes does the political stunt of dropping big news late on a Friday when everyone is going into the weekend? Usually at that time, everybody wants to get out of there and nobody really cares, right? Well, Bayer Crop Science, the…
February 15, 2022

ND Cowboy Hall of Fame Lopes into another Eventful Year

MEDORA — “The North Dakota Hall of Fame (NDCHF) has become a major highlight of North Dakota with the cowboy way of life coming back strongly throughout the country. The hall has set record numbers this past year as far as viewers visiting the hall itself and interest across the…
February 9, 2022

Hoeven Leads Bicameral Effort Supporting Access to Credit for Farmers & Ranchers

WASHINGTON, D.C — Senator John Hoeven, R-N.D., this week led a bicameral effort pressing the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) to continue supporting agriculture producers’ access to credit. In a letter to NCUA Chairman Todd Harper, Hoeven and his colleagues questioned language included in the NCUA’s Draft Strategic Plan that…
February 8, 2022

For the Farmer

Promoting Agriculture This past weekend, I had the privilege of traveling to our nation’s capital – Washington, D.C.  Being out east, I had the chance to reconnect with some old friends and meet new ones.  A trip like this always offers the opportunity to talk to big city folks about…
February 8, 2022

Hoeven Helps Introduce Legislation to Ease Export Shipping Backlogs

Farmers, other exporters need access to shipping containers WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator John Hoeven, R-N.D., along with Senators Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., John Thune, R-S.D., and Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisc., this week introduced the Ocean Shipping Reform Act in the Senate. This bipartisan legislation would update federal regulations for the global shipping…
February 4, 2022

USDA to Begin Sending Out Livestock Disaster Assistance

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is expected to begin providing phase one of livestock disaster assistance payments by March. According to USDA, phase one will: Use existing Livestock Forage Program (LFP) data. Require no or minimal additional paperwork from producers. Distribute at least half of the…
February 3, 2022

For the Farmer

Ag Expo Recap “Did you learn anything at the Ag Show?”  A common question to commence the small talk and maybe pry a little if you were not able to make it to Minot any of those three days.  Now that the KMOT Ag Expo in Minot has come and…
February 1, 2022

Dakota Hope Clinic Continues to Grow

MINOT — The Dakota Hope Clinic received additional funding this past week from the St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation’s Twice Blessed program, which matches donors’ contributions given to preapproved organizations. [The Dakotan link] Dakota Hope Clinic is a charitable outreach ministry formed to provide care, support, and education related to…
January 29, 2022

Williston Attracts Massive Project

$1.9 Billion Data Center Underway  WILLISTON — What is expected to rank as perhaps the most extensive project of its kind in the world is under construction just west of here.  Governor Doug Burgum made the official announcement this week during a press conference held at the Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative…
January 27, 2022

Keeping the Heart of America Beating

RUGBY — The aging Heart of America medical facility is reaching the ends of its lifespan. The expense of maintaining much of the structure has disrupted the economic feasibility of the largest employer in the community.  “We’re paying upkeep on the old facility and upkeep is ridiculously expensive,” said Greg…
January 26, 2022

Refurbishing Downtown Minot

Dining, Drinks, and Golf at Whiskey Nine   MINOT — It is a stunning addition to a previously overlooked location in the city. The marvelous décor is captivating. It is both old and new, a remarkable and inviting combination.   Welcome to Whiskey Nine — food, drinks, and golf on the big…
January 25, 2022

KMOT Ag Expo Preview

This year’s expo to feature exciting, innovative technology from John Deere  MINOT — Every year in this region of the state, farmers have a benchmark on their calendar for doing business planning for the new year. That benchmark is the KMOT Ag Expo in Minot. The annual ag show is traditionally…
January 25, 2022

For the Farmer

INDUSTRY UPDATE  A farmer’s best tool is information.  With the farm show season in full swing, the KMOT Ag Expo kicks off this week in Minot and farmers will come equipped to quiz equipment dealers, agronomy centers, seed dealers, grain marketers, and all sorts of other industry reps on what…
January 25, 2022

Flea Market Makeover

New Ownership, New Name  MINOT — There’s been a change of ownership in town. The long-running Magic City Flea Market is now the Dakota Flea Market.  Gar Wiedrich, Rolla, recently completed the purchase of the Magic City Flea Market. In addition to changing the name, he says he hopes to…
January 22, 2022

Covering the Country

Rugby Manufacturing a U.S. Leader  RUGBY — From the geographical center of North America to all regions of North America, Rugby Manufacturing is making its mark. In the process, proudly promoting their impressive line of products.  The company that started small in 1969 has grown to, according to its website,…
January 20, 2022

Finding an Unlikely Niche 

Serving Chinese from a Livestock Barn  RUGBY–It is out of the ordinary. No question about that. And people love it.  Monday nights have been surprisingly busy at the Rugby Livestock Auction. Not for a parade of livestock presented to potential buyers, but for Chinese food.  Chinese food from a Livestock…
January 19, 2022

For the Farmer

A Cohesive Partnership Between Oil and Agriculture ANTLER—What is the big deal about saltwater spills on the ground every now and then?  It naturally comes from the earth, and it cannot hurt anything, right?  Wrong.  Once this type of water spills, it has an immediate, negative impact on the ground. …
January 18, 2022

Serving the Rugby Region

Coffee Cottage Café under new ownership RUGBY—There has always been good reason for people to frequent the Coffee Cottage Café -- tasty baked goods, great food, cozy atmosphere, fresh brewed coffee, wonderful friends. Now, under new ownership, those expectations will continue.  Crystal Wangler took possession of the building housing the…
January 17, 2022

Minot Gospel-Teaching Radio Station Going Full Power 

Receives FCC permit to increase from 46 W to 100 kW  MINOT—A gospel-teaching radio station based in Minot may experience a significant power boost in the coming years.  KFLK 95.9 FM (“The Flock”) received an FCC permit on Dec. 29, 2021, to build a new full-power radio station. The new…
January 12, 2022

For the Farmer

Tribute to a National Farm Leader This past month, we lost a lifelong fighter for the family farmer.  Kelly Shockman of rural Grand Rapids, North Dakota, passed away on Dec. 11, 2021.  He was 96 years old.  He died at home on the farm, surrounded by family.  Kelly was born…
January 11, 2022

Fertilizer Prices High

Increased Cost Ahead of Planting Season  MINOT—The rising price of fertilizer has many producers faced with the reality of the increased cost of growing a crop this year. There is also concern about whether supply can meet demand.   Many crop producers applied or purchased fertilizer in the fall of 2021.…
January 6, 2022

Coal Creek Receives Approval for Transmission Line Permit

Approval allows sale to Rainbow Energy to be finalized The Minnesota Public Utility Commission unanimously approved the transfer of Coal Creek Station’s high-voltage direct current transmission line permit from Great River Energy (GRE) to Nexus Line, LLC, a subsidiary of Rainbow Energy Center LLC on Thursday. This marks the completion…
January 6, 2022

Quiet Zone Project Puts Minot Business in a Bind 

MINOT—The City Council addressed a Quiet Zone Project on Monday, Jan. 3, that could leave some downtown business owners in a bind. Leonard Niess, longtime owner of Niess Impressions, says he believes that he will no longer have access to his loading dock if the project goes through as planned.…
January 5, 2022

Snowpack Needed in Region

Welcome Boost for Spring Moisture  There’s plenty of value to that snow on the ground. While no one enjoys shoveling it, or getting a vehicle stuck in it, it does have its importance. Namely, a source of soil moisture next spring.  Sure, it’s somewhat annoying to have to store all…
January 3, 2022

Magic City Magic

Where Dreams Come True  MINOT—For Christine Staley, there’s always been “Magic” in Minot. She and her husband moved to Minot in 2013 leaving her TV Production career and beloved Miami Beach behind. “Miami is known as the other magic city” according to Christine. However, “I always tell people that I came from one magic city to…
January 2, 2022

Restoring Community History 

Maddock Opera House City Showpiece  MADDOCK – The building had fallen into disrepair, an eyesore destined to become another casualty of time and neglect, common to early day structures in rural communities across North Dakota. Many have long since disappeared, gone to rubble, taking a slice of history with them.  Built in 1905 and once a proud focal point on this city’s Main Street, the Maddock Opera House had long outlived its…
January 2, 2022

Producers Forced to Make Tough Decisions in 2021

North Dakota Ranchers' Resilience Tested ST. ANTHONY—The prevailing task at the Ellingson ranch this summer, as with most ranches across the state and nation, was water and combatting the drought. The Ellingson crew laid five new miles of pipeline, installed 13 new tanks and renovated an abandoned well to keep…
December 31, 2021

Challenges for 2022

The lingering agronomic issue from 2021: drought hangover MOHALL—2022 is upon us, and farmers cannot afford to sit back and wait to see what happens for this coming year.  It is true nobody knows what the weather will bring in the new year, but we do know what it brought last year (or what it didn’t bring – rain).  It was dry in 2021. …
December 31, 2021

Tractor Supply Company Moves Location 

MINOT—Tractor Supply Company, a retail chain store in Minot, has recently moved locations from 1325 S Broadway to 900 21st Ave SE.   The store’s assistant manager Scott Graff explained, “The building was kind of coming down around us. It was leaking water, it was leaning. The structure wasn’t safe.” Graff said another…
December 29, 2021

For the Farmer

Roundup MOHALL—Unfortunately, in our society today, if you say something enough or the major media sources say something enough, it becomes true in the minds of many people.  This has proven true because for some reason, one of the safest pesticides in the history of the planet, glyphosate (the chemical ingredient name of Roundup) has been villainized.  Glyphosate was discovered in…
December 28, 2021

Job Service Offers Assistance to Outlying Communities

TIOGA—Job Service North Dakota, Williston branch, doesn’t only serve the Williston area but also extends its services to a few other outlying communities. Currently, the communities of Watford City and Tioga receive these outreach services provided by Job Service. The days set aside for these events are dubbed Watford City Wednesdays (meeting the first and…
December 24, 2021

Dakota Square Mall Thriving During Christmas

MINOT—Dakota Square Mall has been bustling with activity in the past few weeks, as both businesses and shoppers make their last preparations before Christmas.  Many businesses within the mall appear to be thriving, despite online shopping growing in its efficiency and popularity.   “We can bring in like 2600 [customers] on a Saturday,”…
December 22, 2021

For the Farmer

Stand your ground when talking to non-farmers this holiday season MOHALL—Here in rural North Dakota, agriculture is a big part of our way of life. It is our life. Our state is the nation’s number one producer of many crops.  According to recent reports from the United States Department of Agriculture,“North Dakota led…
December 21, 2021

Thrift Store Thriving in Kenmare

Kenmare Closet celebrates one year of growth and success  KENMARE—One business truly can make a difference in a community.   Until just a year ago, if you lived in Kenmare or much of the surrounding area, you might have to drive for 45-90 minutes in order to find a secondhand store to pick up a hand-me-down…
December 15, 2021

For the Farmer

Rethink your plan for 2022 MOHALL—As farmers have already been making many preparations for the 2022 season, we are finding out that while 2021 was a unique year, 2022 will be a challenging one as well. The first thing we know is that we cannot go into 2022 thinking that we will just…
December 14, 2021

Pride of Dakota Sets New Record 

Thousands shop local   Bismarck—Shoppers of local and North Dakota-made products broke records this past weekend at the Pride of Dakota Holiday Showcase in the Bismarck Events Center, Dec. 3-5.    Pride of Dakota Specialist Katie Huizenga said that Friday night’s shopper turnout of more than 4,600 was the highest turnout of any Pride of Dakota showcase in history. The final weekend tally showed 14,400 people passed through…
December 6, 2021

High-Tech Indoor Golf Experience Comes to Minot

X-Golf provides cutting-edge golf simulator technology MINOT—With winter weather right around the corner, many golfers may see no other option than to put away their bags until spring rolls around again. But the arrival of X-Golf brings the latest in indoor golf experience to Minot and the surrounding area.   According to Silas Sneed, franchise…
December 2, 2021

Record-Breaking Home Sales in Minot Area

MINOT — The real estate market in Minot and nearby has already experienced a record-breaking year in 2021, not even counting the last two months of the year.   According to Beth Mayer, Association Executive for the Minot Multiple Listing Service and Minot Board of Realtors, there have been 1,124 single family homes—including condos and…
November 30, 2021

Workforce Development Classes Offered in Tioga

TIOGA--Tioga and surrounding area residents have the opportunity to be taking part in specially designed workforce development classes offered by University of Mary. The monthly classes began in June and run through December. They are being offered in conjunction with the Tioga Economic Development Council (EDC) for the reduced cost…
November 19, 2021

Dot’s Pretzels Purchased by Hershey

Part of $1.2 billion deal VELVA – A product developed by Dorothy Henke in her home kitchen more than 10 years ago is now part of a $1.2-billion acquisition by food giant Hershey. Another pretzel maker, Pretzels Inc., is included in the deal.  Dot’s Pretzel’s made a meteoric rise on the snack market, eventually growing…
November 10, 2021

Shortages Evident Throughout the State

Supply slow for many consumer goods The supply shortage for a variety of goods is becoming increasingly evident in Minot and throughout the state. More and more shoppers are dealing with the frustration of not being able to find what they are looking for. Retailers too are dealing with the same issues—it’s just darn tough to get products they want to put…
November 3, 2021

Doc Holliday's Roadhouse

A Taste of History in Williston Some places you just can’t drive past. Doc Holliday’s Roadhouse in Williston is certainly one of them. No question about it. Hungry, thirsty, or just plain find frontier history to your liking? You will get your fix at Doc Holliday’s and come back for…
November 2, 2021
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