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Lydia Hoverson

Raw Milk Sales Passes House 

lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House passed a bill to allow sales of raw milk directly to consumers.  House Bill 1515 would allow farms to sell raw milk to consumers, though farms would still not be able to sell to wholesalers or retail stores for mass consumption. The bill received a Do Pass […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 23, 2023

Adoption Bill Passes House 

Bill to Appropriate Funds  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   BISMARCK – A bill to appropriate funds for child-placing agencies for the sake of home studies passed the North Dakota State House.  Rep. Jay Fisher, R-Dis. 5, Minot, sponsored House Bill 1375 which appropriates $262,000 from the general fund not otherwise appropriated to the Department of Health and Human Services […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 22, 2023

Road Diet on Fourth Avenue 

Minot City Council Votes to Reconfigure Lanes  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – The Minot City Council voted Tuesday to reconfigure lanes on Fourth Avenue Northwest between North Broadway and 26th Street Northwest.  The engineering department proposed to change that area from a four lane to a three lane with bicycle lanes. The center lane would be a […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 22, 2023

Flood Control, Flat Income Tax, and $5.5 Billion for Human Services Considered 

Bills to Cross Legislative Houses this Week  BISMARCK – Some significant spending bills have gone through the North Dakota State Senate, and an income tax bill through the House, with the crossover date approaching.  Senate Bill 2012, the largest spending bill for one agency, increased the Department of Health and Human Services’ budget by one […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 22, 2023

Minot City Council Changes Decision on Free Parking 

Discusses Two-Ramp Dilemma   lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – The Minot City Council reconsidered Tuesday its previous motion to make use of a downtown parking ramp free of charge.  A couple weeks ago the council voted to make the Renaissance Parking Garage located at 205 First Street Southwest, adjacent to the new City Hall and one of two […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 22, 2023

Minot Legislator's Medicaid Bill Passes House 

Bill to Require Certain Services  BISMARCK – A bill to prioritize medical assistance coverage passed the North Dakota State House Monday.   Rep. Randy Schobinger, R-Dis. 40, Minot, sponsored House Bill 1530, which requires medical assistance coverage to include family adaptive behavioral treatment, dental screening, dental case management for specific populations, and asynchronous teledentistry to reduce […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 21, 2023

Ward County Signs Letter Supporting Grant for Southwest Corridor Plan

Engineer Discusses Long Process for Project lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com  MINOT – The Ward County Commissioners approved Tuesday a letter of support for a grant from the federal government to plan the future southwest corridor. The commissioners looked at different options last summer for where the connector corridor could be located, to relieve congestion on Highways 2, 52, […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 21, 2023

Changes to State Political Parties Fails the House 

Bipartisan Vote  BISMARCK – The North Dakota State House killed a bill Friday to make changes to the state political parties and their districts.  House Bill 1523 would have made several changes to district parties, including changing the reorganization of the district parties until after redistricting, and allow them to appoint a temporary district chair. […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 20, 2023

Born to be an Engineer 

Serving Minot for 24 Years  lydia.hoverson@mydakotan.com   MINOT – It takes a lot to engineer an entire city, and Minot has a lot of moving parts.  City Engineer Lance Meyer was born and raised in Minot, attending Bishop Ryan High School and North Dakota State University to get a degree in civil engineering.  “I lived in Minneapolis […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 19, 2023

Record ND Budgets Proposed 

State Agencies Request Hefty Increases  BISMARCK – The crossover date for the North Dakota State Legislature is coming up on February 24, which means large spending bills will be coming out of both appropriations committees and will be considered on the House and Senate floors. Here’s what the legislators will be considering in the coming […]
by Lydia Hoverson
February 18, 2023
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