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Amy Allender

There's Nothing in North Dakota

MINOT— “I just know by the time we find a good place, the boys are going to be cranky and it’s going to be a disaster.” This was my lament last Sunday, as I wove our car up and down country roads, scanning the horizon for highlighter-yellow fields. I grumbled something inaudible as I realized […]
by Amy Allender
August 4, 2022

Daryl's Racing Pigs IYKYK

 MINOT -- IYKYK. Have you seen this cluster of letters floating through the expanse of social media feeds and stories? Total transparency: The first time I saw it I googled it. To save you the trouble, I’ll just tell you what it means. “If you know, you know.” IYKYK.  I’ve come to love this expression […]
by Amy Allender
July 28, 2022

She's Not from Around Here: Creative Kindness and Good Ideas

MINOT -- The van’s bright yellow exterior, accented by pastel, candy-colored sun rays immediately grabbed my attention. My children were more focused on the massive bubbles being blown in front of the Oak Park amphitheater. I followed, but kept side-eyeing that lovely van, wondering what sort of brilliant idea may be operating out of its […]
by Amy Allender
July 21, 2022

The Lake

Can we talk about “the lake” for a minute? During my years in North Dakota, I’ve become a student of Hot Dish language, culture, and traditions. I celebrate Syttende Mai, enthusiastically watch Lawrence Welk reruns, participate in Trash Christmas, and say things like “Oh, fer cute,” “Uffda,” and “Oh, I s’pose.” I pretend lefse is […]
by Amy Allender
July 14, 2022

She's Not From Around Here: The Community Pool

We could see the glimmer of sunshine on water before we heard the splashing or smelled the sunscreen. My husband, Derek, and I pedaled our tandem bicycle up to the bleachers near the pool and climbed off. On the other side of the chain link fence teenage boys were lined up at the diving boards. […]
by Amy Allender
July 7, 2022

She's Not From Around Here: Small Magic

When describing why I find life in North Dakota so enjoyable, I usually cite a combination of local culture, quirks, and my stubborn insistence on finding beauty in things often overlooked. Giving a singular and concise answer to why Minot, ND has become something of a muse to me, is a tricky task. No, it’s […]
by Amy Allender
June 30, 2022

She's Not From Around Here: When Visitors Come

This month our house feels a bit like a bed and breakfast — and my heart couldn’t be happier. In a perfect storm of circumstances and schedules, our home will be vacant of visitors only eight of June’s thirty perfect days. I’ve told you before, I’ll never claim that Minot should be added to a […]
by Amy Allender
June 16, 2022

She's Not From Around Here: I Wasn't Prepared for Summer

When my husband and I found out we would be moving to North Dakota, we got lots of unsolicited comments and advice. “Hope you like the cold.” “Have fun in the great white north — it’s just ice and wind up there.” “Why not Minot? Freezin’ is the reason. Haha!” “Winters last forever.” While these […]
by Amy Allender
June 9, 2022

She's Not from Around Here: Lonely Holidays

I’m not from around here. Sometimes that can be really hard. Usually I’m too distracted by the fun I’m having and the quirky local culture to notice the hard parts about not being a native North Dakotan myself. Once in a while, though, the very not-from-here nature of my existence creeps in. If it happens […]
by Amy Allender
June 2, 2022

She's Not From Around Here: The Carousel

“I’m about to put a quarter in!” I called to a couple walking their daughter in a stroller at the zoo. “Does she want to rid?” They parked their stroller and helped their little girl climb onto one of the miniature horses on the merry-go-round at the zoo. My boys were already seated on their […]
by Amy Allender
May 26, 2022

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