Governor Kelly Armstrong has officially signed House Bill 1340 into law, easing regulations on motor vehicle window tint across the state. The legislation, which passed with strong bipartisan support, 89-2 in the House and 41-6 in the Senate, lowers the legal limit for front side window tint visibility from 50% to 35%. Governor Armstrong celebrated the bill signing by posing in a pair of sunglasses and sharing the image on his social media accounts.
With the governor's signature, vehicle owners in North Dakota can now legally install darker window tints on their front side windows, bringing the state in line with common standards in neighboring states. The allowable tint darkness on the front windshield remains unchanged at 70%, while rear windows continue to have no specific darkness restrictions, provided vehicles are equipped with side mirrors. This law grants drivers increased privacy, enhanced comfort against sunlight, and potentially reduced glare while driving.