Published August 1, 2024

New Look School Board Changes Meeting Time

Written by
K.L. Collom
| The Dakotan
Minot School Board
Minot School Board

Minot, ND- Minot Public School Board met Thursday July 23rd for their lone meeting of the month. The board consists of 5 total members, President Mitch Kraft, Sabrina Herrmann, Lacey Laudenschlager, Bill Irmen, and Scott Lauser; with the later 3 being elected this past June. 

The meeting, lasting over an hour, arguably had its biggest moment come when discussion began on the need to establish a day and time for the regular board meetings for the upcoming school year. There has been considerable buzz around the starting time of 4:30 PM with many detractors claiming it to be too early. Newly elected member Scott Lauser however, moved to change that time to 5:30 PM to better align with voters' views on the matter saying “I think it should be 5:30, that was real prevalent in the people that I talked to in the spring and summer, even after the election that was still coming up, having the meetings later...” 

The Board would approve the motion unanimously to now have the board meetings the second Thursday of every month, now at 5:30 PM. They finished the meeting by discussing some of the issues they’ve had with recent deficit spending before ending the meeting. The next meeting will be August 8th in the Public-School Administration Building, with school officially starting on Wednesday August 21.

For the full meeting, watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn6_5I8gODU&t=800s

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