Published January 29, 2024

Mark Enget Seeks District 2 State Senate Seat

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The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

POWERS LAKE, ND – Today, Mark Enget announced his campaign for the North Dakota State Senate in District 2.

“North Dakota is a great place to live, and my desire is to keep it that way and preserve our values, culture and way of life. That means strong and family-friendly communities, fiscally prudent budgets, sensible laws, and fair regulations that protect us all.”

Enget grew up on a small farm near Powers Lake, where he has since retired with his wife Roxanne. They are parents to three daughters. After attending Minot State University to study Earth Sciences & Physical Education, he enjoyed a fulfilling career in the energy industry. His profession brought him to China, Pakistan, Venezuela, Houston, Oklahoma, Mexico, Singapore, the Philippines, Denver, and Houston. Enget recently retired after 35 years in the industry.

“Thanks to my life experiences, I’ve built a strong personal foundation,” said Enget. “My values are anchored by my faith. I know complex or controversial issues must always be guided by sound moral principles. Leadership requires strength and courage. Without leadership, we all fail together.”

District 2 encompasses a large part of rural, northwestern North Dakota, including parts of north Williston, as well as the towns of Crosby, Tioga, Stanley, Ray, Epping, Grenora, White Earth, McGregor, Portal, Bowbells, Noonan, Lignite, Fortuna, and several other small towns. The district has tremendous agricultural, oil and coal industries.

“My work and management experience in North Dakota’s largest and most critical industries – energy and agriculture – have provided me a deep understanding of these areas,” continued Enget. “Some of my priorities will be energy independence, respecting our federal and state constitutions, reining in wasteful spending, and protecting our children from dangerous ideologies. We must pursue excellence in education, continually improving our math and reading proficiencies by returning to principles of classical education and civic values to ensure our children can succeed.”

Enget is seeking the seat from State Senator David Rust, who recently announced his retirement, having served in the legislature since 2008. “We thank Senator Rust for his many years of service to our state and community,” said Enget of Rust’s tenure. “He leaves a respectful and lasting legacy, and I’m grateful for his time and dedication. I look forward to leaning on his wisdom, and the wisdom of others in our communities, as my family and I embark on this journey.”

The local Republican party will hold its district endorsing convention on Saturday, February 24th, in Tioga. Enget plans to seek the endorsement and support of local Republicans. The primary election is June 11th, 2024.

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