Published January 24, 2024

Kelly Armstrong Announces Run for Governor

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The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

Bismarck, N.D. – North Dakota Congressman Kelly Armstrong today released the following statement announcing his candidacy for Governor of North Dakota.

“For the past five years as your Congressman, I’ve been fighting for North Dakota in DC. I have fought against federal overreach, a two-tiered justice system, and a radical liberal agenda. I have defended President Trump against two sham impeachments. And I have fought for state’s rights, individual liberty, and good old-fashioned common sense.

There’s one thing I’ve learned in that time, the solutions to our biggest challenges are not going to come from Washington. North Dakotans will always do better when we are in charge of our own destiny. That’s why I’ve decided to come home to run for Governor. I’ll take the experience I’ve gained fighting for North Dakota in DC, to help increase opportunity and success here in our state. And I am excited to get back here and work with people who are interested in finding solutions not exploiting problems for political gain.

North Dakota is the best state to start a business, thanks to Governor Burgum and our Republican legislature, our foundation is strong, but to take our state to the next level, we need to continue to invest in our people. We need more teachers, nurses, and skilled workers. We need to continue to invest in our communities to solve these challenges. We need smart, conservative policy that attracts lasting investment and grows opportunity.”

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