The symposium, which this year focuses on hospice care, is free and open to community members, healthcare professionals and anyone interested in hospice. Continuing medical education credits and social work contact hours are available to participants.
Kurt Kazanowski, a hospice consultant, speaker and author, will present “Giving the Gift of Hospice,” a talk aimed at providing a new perspective on hospice as a form of care that emphasizes living with quality and dignity. He’ll incorporate his personal experience discovering the value of hospice care through his work as a hospice professional and the experience caring for his own parents as they aged and died.
Jeffrey Verhey, MD, medical director of Trinity’s hospice program, will introduce the hospice team. Other topics that will be discussed include advanced care planning documents and how to implement them, societal issues surrounding death and dying, and misconceptions about hospice. The event will conclude with a panel discussion by several family members who have benefited from Trinity Health’s hospice services.
The event is sponsored by Trinity Health and Trinity Health Foundation and is underwritten by the Willie and Ruth Bodien Endowment. Registration is required by logging on to For more information, call Kathleen at 701-857-5099.