Published May 6, 2022

Mother's Day Tribute

Written by
Tisa Peek
| The Dakotan
In the opinion of Tisa Peek
[Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay]
In the opinion of Tisa Peek
[Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay]

Mother’s Day is fast approaching the world, much as everything else is approaching, fast! Mother’s Day in a small community brings back memories of the moms that did the opposite, they slowed down enough to take time to not only raise their own children but create fond memories and examples to every child in our community.

It’s not the gifts that mothers receive on Mother’s Day that matters or should be embellished, but the gifts, rather, the mothers give year-round to the youth and people that are members of their village.

Here is to the never-ending smiles and compassionate, kind words I received from Jeanie Lautenschlager, a mom of four. Here is to Cheryl and her examples of what perfect homemaking is supposed to look like, all the while maintaining a youthful edge. She was a mom of four as well. Pat, fellow boy-mom, you brought nature, kindness, and braininess all into one package; I loved every minute of getting to be with you. Holly, never would I have known the other heavy load you were carrying by nursing all the while hosting gatherings for our class and always a smile and glimmer in your brown eyes! Karyn, you helped me roller skate when I was humiliated and picked me up, showed me how to do my hair better and again- a smile was all I saw. Debi had an angelic presence that allowed me, to be me. She would laugh and entertain my best friend & I’s shenanigans. Leanne, fellow boy-mom, you helped me be a better mom while I was learning to mother. What more of a gift could a girl ask for? Dorinda raised children in different generations with the same love, thought and youthfulness that I remember from when I was four years old. The list could go on for days but let me promise you; your all pieces of hundreds and hundreds of hearts that helped form their overall makeup.

And, finally, my own mom. Grandma Barb, you taught me how to never ever give up. You believed in me when no one else did and you taught me that hard work and perseverance will get you places, and I can prove that. You never lose faith in humanity, that I am grateful for. But now, the patience and guidance towards my boys that only a grandparent can give is the best gift that this mom could receive on any Mother’s Day.

To all the mothers, mothers-to-be, want to be mothers, grandmas, aunts, sisters, cousins — take the time to slow down to be the gift that has no price-tag. Every generation deserves the time spent and thoughtfulness from the moms of the communities of North Dakota.
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