Published November 11, 2021

"Right To Try" Bill Moves Forward

Written by
Greg Demme
| The Dakotan

3:45 p.m., Nov. 11--HB 1514, sponsored by Rep. Bill Tveit (R-Dis. 33, Hazen), was sent forward with a "Do Pass" recommendation to be heard by the full House of Representatives. Among other things, this bill would allow medical providers with prescribing authority to prescribe the drug Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 without fear of reprisal from their respective medical boards simply for that action alone. The bill would also allow the same freedom for pharmacists in filling a prescription for Ivermectin.

The Joint Technical Corrections Committee spent considerable time discussing possible amendments and questioning Rep. Tveit. At one point a verbal outburst from one observer in the room caused Chairman Weisz to warn the crowd that further outbursts would result in the room being cleared.

It remains to be seen now what the House and Senate will do when that bill hits their respective chambers.

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