12:30 p.m., Nov. 8 -- So far, nearly every bill that has failed to advance out of the House Delayed Bills Committee has failed because Republican Majority Leader Chet Pollert (R-Dis. 29, Carrington) has voted along with the two democrats on the committee, Rep. Boschee (D-Dis. 44, Fargo) and Rep. Mitskog (D-Dis. 25, Wahpeton), and against Speaker Kim Koppelman (R-Dis. 13, West Fargo) and the Assistant to the Majority Leader, Rep. Scott Louser (R-Dis. 5, Minot).
Spectators observing the committee meeting were noticeably upset about the following two bills not advancing: Rep. Ben Koppelman's (R-Dis. 16, West Fargo) bill to make employers who require COVID vaccination liable for ill effects caused by those vaccines, and also Rep. Jim Kasper's (R-Dis. 46, Fargo) bill to prevent further IRS intrusion into private bank accounts for transactions of $600 or more.