Spring Fever Baseball with Neil Roberts: Gary Cederstrom Part 3

Nicole DesRosier
 April 21, 2022

The Dakotan:

And now it's time for Spring Fever with the Twins with Neil Roberts from Fort Myers, Florida.

Neil Roberts:

He's the pride and joy of Minot, North Dakota, a four time World Series umpire, Gary Cederstrom joins us. And Gary, I know that you called one no hitter in your career was one of my favorite twins. He was in a Mets uniform at that time. But Johan Santana's no hitter. Tell us about that one.

Gary Cederstrom:

Okay, Neil. We were in the new Citi Field and domestic play in Saint Louis. And I remember looking up in the fifth inning gone, and I got a double no-hitter going. Wow. And I don't remember anything like that ever. And the Cardinals pitcher gave up the hit shortly thereafter or in the seventh inning. So that took him off the board, and they changed pitchers.

Gary Cederstrom:

And sure enough, I think it was the seventh or eighth inning that Carlos Beltran hit a screamer down the third base line, and it hit skipped. And my crewmate called it foul. And I went, okay, you know, because, I mean, it was just a screamer. Hit behind the base. Well, the Cardinals had a little bit of a beef on it.

Gary Cederstrom:

And manager Matheny, he comes out to talk about it. And so I walked down and looking for a mark, see where this ball hits. And he's getting animated. I looked for this mark and I can't find it. So Mike leaves he's mad. Well, lo and behold, we end up with a no hitter, and Santana throws like 135 pitches.

Gary Cederstrom:

And so we go check. And sure enough, the ball clipped part of the line. It wasn't a good feeling.

Neil Roberts:

Good stuff, Gary. Hey, we'll have more on that Santana no hitter when we come back.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to Spring Fever Baseball on the Minnesota Twins with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:

We're a former Major League umpire, Gary Cederstrom talking the Johan Santana no hitter when he is with the Mets. And Gary, probably not the easiest guy to call. Sometimes you have that nasty changeup right there. Was that sometimes hard call, sometimes where that caught the knees and didn't?

Gary Cederstrom:

Yeah. To me, that was his make good pitch because he throw that at anybody at any time. And especially earlier in his career, you had no clue it came in. It looks like a fastball and all of a sudden he just got. Oh, yeah, yeah. There's some pitchers that have a pitch that is knee breaking. Mm hmm. And that was one.

Neil Roberts:

Yeah. I had the pleasure of interviewing him several times, too. And he is a class act, too. So one of those guys you kind of pull for, so. But yeah. Well, hey, thanks, Gary, for joining us again. We'll put a wrap on this one. And so next time, I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local News.

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