Ag Issues with Neil Roberts: James Rogers

Nicole DesRosier
 April 21, 2022

The Dakotan:

This is Ag Issues with Neil Roberts.

Neil Roberts:

Welcome to another edition of Ag Issues. Our guest today is NDSU CEO extension specialist for forage crops production. James Rogers from the North Central Research Center. And James. A big storm is scheduled over the Dakotas. A lot of ranchers with calves on the ground right now. Thoughts on preparing and what to do during a storm like this?

James Rogers:

Well, thanks. It looks like it's going to be a big one, perhaps even a historic storm so I think one thing that ranchers need to keep in mind right now is the energy demands of their beef cattle herd are going to go up with cold weather. So with this cold weather, their energy demands may increase by as much as 40% or maybe a little bit more.

James Rogers:

This is going to be a cold, wet snow. So having high quality forage out there available for those animals is going to be critical to keep them warm during this time period and keep them functioning as we progress through this storm.

Neil Roberts:

All right. Good stuff, James. And hey, we'll talk the aftermath when we come back.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to Ag Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:

Talking livestock under storm conditions today with James Rodgers. And James, what do you do given the aftermath of a storm when there's probably a lot of snow and water on the ground?

James Rogers:

Yes. So the one thing to keep in mind during this time period is we've got calves, their calving, and it is going to be absolutely critical to keep an eye on those newborns and make sure that they get their first meal within probably 4 hours of birth. That's going to be critical for that care for long term health. If not, those kids are going to struggle with lifelong immunity to disease and just functioning and having healthy kids is really critical now with all the drought and everything going on that we keep those caves alive.

Neil Roberts:

All right. Good stuff, as always, James, thanks for that. That will conclude this edition until next time. I'm Neil Roberts.

The Dakotan:

You're listening to the Dakotan Network. Real, Honest, Local News.

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