Ag Issues with Neil Roberts: Charlie Lim

Nicole DesRosier
 June 10, 2022
The Dakotan:
This is Ag Issues with Neil Roberts.

Neil Roberts:
Welcome to another edition of Ag Issues. Our guest today is NDSU Wheat Extension Specialist Charlie Lim from the Wilson Research Extension Center. And Charlie. Hey, you're new to this position. Tell us about your background.

Charlie Lim:
Hi. My name is Charlie Lim and I'm a retired graduate of Montana State University, and I graduated in 2020. And my work I did, there was all about a kosher lab because it wasn't kosher that Canberra's isn't kosher as well as allergies isn't kosher. And it based on different cropping systems. And I got hired just yesterday as my starting date for as a wheat specialist at the Sydney Research Center.

Neil Roberts:
All right, congratulations on that, Charlie. And hey, we'll hear Charlie's short term plan on the job when we come back.

The Dakotan::
You're listening to Ag Issues with Neil Roberts on the Dakotan Network.

Neil Roberts:
Talking with weed specialist Charlie Lim today on Ag Issues. And Charlie, tell us what your plan is going to be the next several weeks at the Wilson office.

Charlie Lim:
So the next several weeks that I'm planning to do is to get to know all my client cells and do a lot of traveling. So I'll be able to get to know the pressing legal problems that they have, as well as get to know their cropping systems and what kind of rotations that they do. And also consider the questions that they have in terms of herbicide use and what available crops in terms of restrictions on what the use of the herbicides the year before and as well as considerations in the weather that we have this spring, as well as the best weather we have last year.

Neil Roberts:
All right. Very good stuff. Welcome aboard, Charlie. And again, that's Charlie Lim and he is an India seaweed extension specialist out of the Williston office. So looking forward to having Charlie more on the show down the road as well. Hey, that will conclude this edition if you miss one, check us on the website, Until next time I'm Neal Roberts.

The Dakotan::
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