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Marvin Baker

Upside Down Under: Driver's Ed Teaches You This...

MINOT -- I was driving down a city street minding my own business when I came upon a semi-trailer in the right lane of traffic. I didn’t see a blinker so I assumed he was turning right since he was in the right lane and what not.  With that in mind, I pulled up next […]
by Marvin Baker
July 24, 2022

Get out and see the lakes…

Manitoba used to have a motto, “100,000 lakes” and Minnesota had a motto “10,000 lakes. North Dakota doesn’t have that many lakes, but the ones we do have are incredible. Driving by Lake Tschida on the way home from Rapid City Monday made me think of the wonderful lakes we have across the state. After […]
by Marvin Baker
July 17, 2022

Nobody wants to work…

I needed to have some service work done on my truck, so I took it to the Ford dealership in Minot. And since there is a McDonald’s across the street, I thought I would hang out there while having a cup of coffee. So, an elderly lady and I are waiting for our orders and […]
by Marvin Baker
July 10, 2022

Not Another One

This past week the official word came that yes, the weekly newspaper serving the community of Edgeley in LaMoure County, has shut its doors for the last time.
by Marvin Baker
July 3, 2022

Upside Down Under: Ghosts of North Dakota past…

I have a North Dakota map from the 1950s and I was looking at it to see if any highways have changed. Then I got a little curious about several small towns in Cavalier County that either no longer exist or are hanging on by a thread. Alsen, Calio, Clyde, Hannah, Wales, Loma, Nekoma, Easby, […]
by Marvin Baker
June 26, 2022

Upside Down Under: Don’t be fuelish…

We’re all complaining about the price of gas these days and we have every right to do that. The price has never been this high and it’s killing any pay raise we might have gotten this year. Gas prices will go up and down as most of us know and right now we’re in a […]
by Marvin Baker
June 19, 2022

Upside Down Under: Recycling stable but stagnant?…

Most of us, if not all of us in North Dakota, have recycled something. The first thing that comes to mind is aluminum cans, but there are numerous other items that can be and are recycled. North Dakota and the United States are a long way from the motivation to recycle in Europe, but that […]
by Marvin Baker
June 12, 2022

Upside Down Under: Thank you Minot Air Force Base...

Two weeks ago I was out in the field planting, or rather mudding in, transplants. As I was doing that a helicopter from Minot Air Force Base circled overhead numerous times before darting off to the east toward Minot AFB. It got me to thinking about the numerous people stationed at Minot AFB who have […]
by Marvin Baker
June 5, 2022

Upside Down Under: Five years in the making…

It was recently announced that the North Dakota Department of Transportation has OK’d a major road construction project that will turn U.S. Highway 52, from the Canadian border at Portal, all the way to Carrington, into a “super 2,” which means strategic passing lanes will be added. Since April of 2008, there’s been a push […]
by Marvin Baker
May 22, 2022

Upside Down Under: Welcome back to North Dakota…

In the past month, there have been a lot of vehicles with Saskatchewan and Manitoba license plates milling around Minot and on U.S. Highway 52. Covid restrictions were lifted April 1 in Canada which made it much easier for Canadians to travel across the border. It’s been a long time coming and Dakota Square Mall […]
by Marvin Baker
May 15, 2022
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