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Greg Demme

What’s All the Fuss About Eminent Domain?

The topic of eminent domain has come up again recently in the current discussions surrounding the carbon capture pipeline project. Many North Dakotans are at least tangentially familiar with the concept of eminent domain, but if you don’t own significant amounts of land, especially located in the western half of North Dakota, you may just […]
by Greg Demme
March 25, 2022

The Blessings and Challenges of Seeking Vindication

Religion in Society North Dakotans received some startling and for most people welcome news this week when an arrest was made in the 15-year-old murder investigation of the death of Anita Knutson. While a trial won’t likely occur for some time, and it may be many months from now before a verdict is reached, this […]
by Greg Demme
March 18, 2022

Can We Coherently Define the American Dream Anymore?

Approximately 13 years ago, I blogged about “The American Dream.” As a real estate professional at the time, I had noticed that certain politicians continually referred to “home ownership” as the quintessential aspect of the American Dream. What directly followed that claim were fiscal policies, such as artificially low interest rates, and lending practices, such […]
by Greg Demme
March 4, 2022

Courage Comes in Different Forms 

Some types of courage may seem familiar to us. For example, many North Dakotans understand the need to regularly brave dangerously cold weather in order to care for their livestock and provide for their families. In fact, some might say that’s not even an example of courage but of simple responsibility. Nevertheless, I consider it […]
by Greg Demme
February 25, 2022

The Very Road They Tried to Avoid 

ND legislature’s fumbled sub-districting demonstrates submission to fear  Every once in a while, a pithy film line displays substantial wisdom. In the animated movie Kung Fu Panda, Master Oogway tells a spooked Master Shifu, “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it,” a quote slightly adapted from that penned by […]
by Greg Demme
February 18, 2022

Does North Dakota Truly Have a Citizen Legislature? 

What would it take to achieve such a body?  In an ideal world, our state legislature ought to reflect a “citizen legislature,” where North Dakotans from all walks of life could run, get elected, and serve in the legislature. In doing so they could have a hand in enacting the laws that govern our state. […]
by Greg Demme
February 11, 2022

Lasting Change Takes Time 

About a month ago, many people were making New Year’s resolutions. I have no idea how many people have, up to this point, succeeded in keeping them, but I do know we also saw a number of articles at that time about the attributes and mindsets that lead to meaningful change. For example, not only […]
by Greg Demme
February 4, 2022

Rules for Thee and not for Me 

Just about every breathing adult today knows we live in a more polarized society than at any other time in recent memory. And some people will simply vote for whichever candidate is aligned with whatever party they feel most aligned with, regardless of any individual traits that candidate has or stances that candidate takes on […]
by Greg Demme
January 28, 2022

Why Do So Many Judges Run Unopposed? 

Last week I reported on Judge Gary Lee’s decision to seek a fourth term as North Central District Court judge. The conversation I had with Judge Lee got me thinking: why do so many of our district court judges run unopposed?   Now, please hear me: I’m not in any way writing against Judge Lee. In […]
by Greg Demme
January 21, 2022

Judge Gary Lee Announces Re-Election Bid 

District Judge will seek his fourth term  MINOT—North Central District Court Judge Gary H. Lee has announced he will seek re-election this year for what would be his fourth six-year term.   Judge Lee, a Minot native since the age of three, was first elected as District Judge in 2004 and then won re-election in 2010 […]
by Greg Demme
January 13, 2022
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