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Charlene Nelson

Tomato Harvest 

Provident Home Companion  The biggest reason to garden is for tomatoes, isn't it? Those tasty, tangy-sweet fruits are the highlight of summer. No grocery store variety comes even close to what comes out of a garden. But the delight of summer tomatoes is too quickly gone.    Fall frosts always come too early, robbing us of […]
by Charlene Nelson
October 3, 2022

Teaching Older Children about Money 

Budget Wise  It's important to start teaching children about finances when they are young so that they are fluent in the language of economy. Last week I talked about how to teach the youngest children about money. This week let's look at what your elementary-school and middle-school aged children should understand.    Teach about opportunity cost  […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 28, 2022

Time to Buy Honey 

Provident Home Companion  Admit it. We all have a sweet tooth. We really can’t do without our sugar. Well, we can, but who really wants to?  That's why sugar or honey is a cornerstone of your basic long-term food storage. But storing sugar can be problematic. Even the slightest amount of moisture can cause sugar […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 26, 2022

Teach Your Children Young 

 Budget Wise  It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by financial stress or think that you are constantly treading water to keep from going under. These feelings are becoming more and more common, especially now as Americans are seeing inflation outpace their income. In many areas of the economy, 10% inflation has been met with a […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 21, 2022

Eat Healthy, Save Money 

Grains and Legumes  If you're working on long-term food storage, something that will feed your family for a year or more, you'll want foods that will store for a long time and provide maximum nutrition for minimum price. That's why grains and legumes are the cornerstone of any good long-term food storage plan. Done properly, grains […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 19, 2022

Emergency Response 

September is Preparedness Month  First established in 2003, National Preparedness Month is held each September to increase public awareness about emergency preparedness. This year, the national theme for NPM is “Protect Your Legacy.” The genesis of NPM goes to the aftermath of the attacks on 9-11. The heroic response of emergency personnel and citizens after […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 16, 2022

Family Budget Night 

Budget Wise  charlene.nelson@mydakotan.com As you work towards a healthier budget, it is essential to include your children in the process. It will make life so much easier if everyone in the family has a clear idea of what the family budget is and is working towards the same goals.   There are many good ways to […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 14, 2022

A Look at Long-Term Food Storage 

Provident Home Companion  For months I've been writing about how important it is to have a three-month food storage. This is the most basic step to being prepared. Your “super pantry” should be stocked with the everyday food you eat, enough to last three months. This will help you get through most of the minor […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 12, 2022

The Essential Three-Month Savings 

Budget Wise  Charlene.nelson@mydakotan.com  Budgeting is essential to financial well-being, and yet it is one of the most difficult things to implement.  So you'll understand if I return to the topic every now and then. It may be time to check and see if you are on target to meet your budgeting and saving goals.  After […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 7, 2022

King Kohlrabi

Provident Home Companion Charlene.nelson@mydakotan.com Three or four years ago, my husband's co-worker gave him two kohlrabi, two giant kohlrabi. Normally kohlrabi is about the size of an apple or orange, weighing about 6-10 ounces each. But these were huge, each one weighing twenty pounds! I would have expected them to be woody and not very […]
by Charlene Nelson
September 5, 2022
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