Published April 11, 2024

Villafana Announces for Dis. 34 House

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

David Villafana release

MANDAN -- David Villafana proudly declares his candidacy for District 34 House in
A graduate of the University of Mary with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Villafana
has become a successful software engineer, serving the financial and energy sectors.
Villafana’s engineering background equips him with an understanding of the intricacies of
Artificial Intelligence, allowing him to navigate its challenges and opportunities in North Dakota.
Villafana is committed to sponsoring responsible AI legislation, such as protecting North
Dakotans and their identities from deep fakes and combating the cyber threats associated with
rapidly developing AI.
"My experience in computer science has provided me with great insights into the technology
world, and I am determined to use my background to advocate for legislation that ensures the
responsible and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence,” said Villafana. “It's essential that we
harness the power of new technology for the betterment of society while safeguarding the
constitutional rights of every North Dakotan."
Villafana is married to his wife Sophia and they are expecting their first child. Together, they are
actively involved in their faith community.
Villafana's campaign is built on a platform that addresses key issues crucial to the constituents
of District 34:
● Sanctity of Life: Villafana advocates for the sanctity of life and is committed to
protecting the rights of the unborn, ensuring a pro-life stance in legislative decisions.
● 2ndAmendment:Villafana pledges to defend the right to bear arms, ensuring that
law-abiding citizens can exercise their constitutional rights.
● CombatWokeIdeology: Villafana aims to uncover and challenge woke ideology,
protecting the innocence of children and defending traditional family values.
● EnergyIndependence: Villafana is committed to promoting policies that enhance
energy independence, ensuring a secure energy future for North Dakota that is rooted in
reliable and clean coal, natural gas, and oil.
● Fiscal Responsibility: As a fiscal conservative, he will prioritize responsible spending
and advocate for policies that strengthen the economic foundation of District 34.
● Property Tax Reform: Villafana is dedicated to implementing reforms that alleviate the
burden of property taxes on the community.
Villafana said, "My campaign is built on the principles of integrity, transparency, and a genuine
commitment to addressing the needs of our community. I would be honored to serve the people
of District 34."
Villafana can be found on Facebook at or his website at

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