Published March 21, 2024

2024-26 Fishing Regulations Set

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

ND Game and Fish Department release

North Dakota’s 2024-26 fishing proclamation is set, with regulations effective April 1, 2024, through March 31, 2026. New fishing licenses are required April 1.
Anglers can find the North Dakota 2024-26 Fishing Guide online at the state Game and Fish Department website,, or at Game and Fish Department offices and license vendors throughout the state.
Noteworthy regulation changes include:
• Allows the use of bows for northern pike and nongame fish while darkhouse spearfishing.
• Establishes a channel catfish limit west of N.D. Highway 1.
• For bow and spearfishing – allows the taking of channel catfish in the Missouri River System up to the first tributary bridge.
The 2024-25 fishing licenses can be purchased online by visiting the Game and Fish website.

2024-25 Licenses Needed April 1
North Dakota anglers, trappers and hunters are reminded that new licenses are required beginning April 1.
Licenses can be purchased online by visiting the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website, Once the license is processed, hunters and anglers will have the option to print a hard copy and/or download the license to a smart phone or mobile device, which is helpful when asked to show proof while hunting or fishing in rural areas that lack cellular service.
Licenses can also be purchased at more than 80 vendor locations throughout the state. The 2024-25 small game, fishing and furbearer licenses are effective April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

2023 Deer Season Summarized
A total of 45,927 North Dakota deer hunters took approximately 25,146 deer during the 2023 deer gun hunting season, according to a post-season survey conducted by the state Game and Fish Department.
Game and Fish made available 53,400 deer gun licenses last year. Overall hunter success was 55%, with each hunter spending an average of 4.7 days in the field.
Hunter success for antlered white-tailed deer was 54%, and 51% for antlerless whitetails.
Mule deer buck success was 80%, and 78% for antlerless mule deer.
Hunters with any-antlered or any-antlerless licenses generally harvest white-tailed deer, as these licenses are predominantly in units with mostly whitetails. Buck hunters had a success rate of 60%, while doe hunters had a success rate of 55%.
Game and Fish issued 12,188 gratis licenses in 2023, and 9,664 hunters harvested 4,216 deer for a success rate of 44%.
A total of 1,020 muzzleloader licenses were issued, and 890 hunters harvested 280 white-tailed deer (140 antlered, 140 antlerless). Hunter success was 32%.
A total of 27,607 archery licenses (24,237 resident, 3,370 nonresident) were issued in 2023. In total, 22,608 bowhunters harvested 6,436 deer (5,411 whitetails, 1,025 mule deer) for a success rate of 29%.
The department is in the process of determining recommendations for licenses in 2024. In addition to harvest rates and winter aerial surveys, Game and Fish staff monitor other population indices to determine license numbers, including depredation reports, hunter observations, input at advisory board meetings, and comments from the public, landowners and department field staff.

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