Published November 28, 2022

North Dakota Game and Fish News 

Written by
The Dakotan
| The Dakotan

Fishing Tournaments Require 30-Day Notice 

Organizers planning fishing tournaments, including ice fishing contests this winter, must submit an application, along with fishing tournament regulations, to the North Dakota Game and Fish Department at least 30 days prior to the start of the event. 

The 30-day advance notice allows for review by agency staff to ensure the proposed tournament will not have negative biological consequences, or conflicts with other proposed tournaments for the same location and/or time. 

Fishing tournaments may not occur without first obtaining a valid permit from the department. 

Special Allocation Lottery Apps Due Jan. 1 

Nonprofit organizations eligible to receive big game hunting licenses in 2023 must have the application submitted to the North Dakota Game and Fish Department no later than Jan. 1. 

North Dakota state law provides direction for the Game and Fish director to allocate big game hunting licenses to eligible organizations. Under this directive, up to two elk, moose and pronghorn licenses, and 10 white-tailed deer licenses, can be issued to organizations for fundraising. 

Eligible organizations must be exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3), and must provide a copy of the letter from the Internal Revenue Service to that effect. In addition, organizations must be active and in good standing with the office of the North Dakota Secretary of State. 

Successful lottery applicants must agree to donate at least 10% of the net proceeds of any license fundraiser to a conservation-related project, such as hunting access, conservation education, habitat development or shooting range management. 

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